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Barbu d'Anvers Chickens

A beautiful painting of a lavender quail female Barbu DAnvers A beautiful painting of a black male Barbu DAnvers

Barbu d'Anvers History

The Barbu d'Anvers (bearded of Antwerp) originate from Antwerp in Belgium. (Anvers is French for Antwerp). The d'Anvers is a true bantam as there is no large breed equivalent. There are lots of different varieties under the umbrella of Belgian bantams and they are becoming much more popular in the show world and as pets. It's exact origins are unknown, but it dates back to the 16th century, probably developed in the Netherlands. The breed has a small rose comb and clean legs. Mainly bred for showing, the hens are very friendly and make wonderful pets. The males have been known to be aggressive towards people, so best to only keep a male if you intend to breed this little chicken.

Barbu d'Anvers Behaviour

With its distinctive beard, the Barbu d'Anvers is an ornamental breed developed for poultry showing. Being so small, they are great for children to handle. This breed has a very “show off nature”. particularly the cock, who will strut about with his head thrown back and wings carried forward. Their beard covers their earlobes and very small/nonexistent wattles. It has a large breast, an arching tail and copes well with confinement. It has been said that allowing the breed to free range and not over crowd the chickens will increase their life expectancy. Hens are very friendly and they lay small creamy eggs. They lay 3 eggs per week, do go broody and make good mothers.

Cocks weigh around 740g, Hens 625g. Due to their small size, a secure run/free ranging area is important, as they are good at squeezing through small gaps to explore their surroundings. They are also good flyers, so you might need to clip a wing to prevent escapees.

Barbu d'Anvers Varieties

Porcelain, black, blue, buff, cuckoo, white, mottled, quail, Mille Fleur.

Barbu d'Anvers Status


Barbu d'Anvers Pictures

the barbu d'anver chickens sat on a perch
Chickens in run
Chickens roosting in coop
a large black and orange cockerel
Quail d'anver trio
Should i be here?
Is dinner on its way?
Please wait for me!
Bbqd'a-little pete
Belgium bearded quail d'anvers - little pete
Only a day old!

Barbu d'Anvers For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Hatching Eggs

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Description: During 2025 I will have hatching eggs for this beautiful breed available for collection (NG34), or posting. They will have been fertility tested and will be collected fresh for your order. I have several large and bantam pure breed chickens, all kept in small groups in lovely conditions in my Lincolnshire home. Welcome to get in touch to learn what other breeds I have and also to mix your choice of hatching eggs for a beautiful and varied flock. I am a hobby breeder who enjoys keeping gorgeous, healthy poultry. Pure, Rare and hybrid. Genuine enquiries only please.

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