Faverolle Chickens

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Faverolle For Sale
Faverolle Bantam Hatching Eggs
- Breed: Faverolle
- Age: 8 Weeks
- Seller: Jill Sheffield
- Seller Rating: No reviews yet
- Location: Sleaford Show on a map
Description: Gorgeous, quirky chickens. Friendly, calm, great pets Quality birds £15/6 eggs P&P at cost Please message me for more information
Latest Reviews For Faverolle (5 of 20)
Friendly, easy chickens. - Susan,
These chickens enjoy hanging out with you, will seek you out to talk and peck your feet. A slightly aggressive rooster will leave you alone if you cuddle it for a while, doing chores with it under one arm.
My best friends - Carl,
I have two Faverolle's Mavis Salmon and Mable blue laced and I have to say I love them loads. I get 6 eggs a week from both and they love a cuddle. They get on great with my two Cochins Madge and Maisie. They do great in all weathers and love a nice snack. Mavis loved to sit on my shoulder! The two slight issues with them, Mavis goes broody every 5 weeks since spring without fail so no eggs and lots of battles to get her out for food and they can be loud when they do their 'just laid an egg song or see me coming' only had them a year but would always have this breed.
Adorable! - Ollie,
I had a pair of Salmon Faverolles Bantams until a few days ago, where they (and the rest of my flock) met a foxy end. They were by far the friendliest of the group, and would crowd around my legs when it was food time. They had the most adorable muffling imaginable, and they were practically the perfect chicken. It would have been nice if they laid a little more (thought they did very well between them), but I didn't mind to much, as the other chickens managed to compensate for that. The one went broody, without fail, almost perpetually in the spring and summer times, but I never did get to rear any chicks with her, although I could tell she was going to be a perfect mother. The most friendly chickens imaginable, if a little silly (their antics were very funny to watch).
All Round Chickens - Steve,
We have kept/bred Faverolles (Slamon) for many years, they are hardy reliable egg layers and meat birds. Their added advantage is that you can sex chicks very early due to the dark markings on the cock birds wings
Salmon Faverolle - Maureen,
I have one cockeral and four girls. They are so addictive, just love them.
Breeder Clubs for Faverolle
British Faverolles Society
Email: nicolawilliams991@hotmail.com
Website: www.faverolles.co.uk
Telephone: 01782 839881
British Waterfowl Association
Email: info@waterfowl.org.uk
Website: www.waterfowl.org.uk
Telephone: 01892 740212
Domestic Waterfowl Club
Email: hatcher579@btinternet.com
Website: www.domestic-waterfowl.co.uk/
Telephone: 01488 638014