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La Fleche Chickens

La Fleche Female La Fleche Male

Breed Rating (6 Reviews)


La Fleche History

The La Fleche is now rare but were around in France before 1660, taking their name from the town of La Fleche in the Valley of La Sarthe. They are a large dual-purpose breed with a V-comb and the remains of a small crest. This V-shaped comb is often referred to as a Devils Head due to the horn-like parallel points. They have long wattles, white earlobes and the plumage is nearly always black with black legs and feet. The tail is well developed and has many ornamental feathers. It probably originates from the Crevecoeurs and Black Spanish. As a table bird, the skin of the La Fleche is remarkably white. There is also a bantam version available, which was developed in Germany.

La Fleche Behaviour

The La Fleche is a good forager and is happy to free range but will adapt equally well to confinement. They are flighty and will fly over 2 metres so fencing needs to be high to keep them contained. If allowed, they will roost in trees so it is a good idea to train them to return to their coops by feeding them before dusk. They are active birds but avoid human contact and will not generally allow themselves to be tamed. The hens are not known for being broody and chicks mature slowly but they are hardy birds and the hens will lay throughout the winter. They are good layers, producing around 200 white-shelled eggs per year. Males weigh 8-9lbs while the females are 6-7lbs.

La Fleche Varieties

Black, White, Cuckoo and Blue Laced.

La Fleche Status

Fairly common

La Fleche Pictures

black white and red chickens in a garden
a black and red rooster in a garden
a close up image black and red rooster chicken
a mother hen and her black chicks in a sunny chicken coop
Satan my la fleche cockerel
La fleche cockerel
Blue chicks
La fleche hen and cockerel
Young la fleche cockerel
A la fleche chick - one day old.
La fleche cockerel looking strong.
La Fleche Hen
Flock of chickens with black chicken looking into camera

La Fleche For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For La Fleche (5 of 6)

4 Stars:


2 Stars:


1 Star:


Great rare breed - Meaghan,

Excellent rare breed but very flighty.

Friendly; and fantastic mothers. - Christine,

My experiences of La Fleches appear to differ from the norm. All my birds (both sexes) are extremely friendly. They follow me about and sit on my shoulders and lap. Lucy has been a fantastic broody and mother. She looked after her babies for 13 weeks. They are also very intelligent-the border collies of the chicken world.

La Fleche blue - Peter,

I am breeding rare poultry La Fleche 10 years. I started with black. I imported inc. eggs from Mrs. Jarosova from Prague. Sveral times i bought cocks in Germany. 3 years ago I imorted inc. eggs from german breeder, and I hatched blue chickens. In december 2013 I swown blue La Fleche cock in Europa Show in Leipzig. Now I have flock with black cock and 4 blue and 4 black hens. The first eggs are in the incubator.

Great Pet - Luis,

I purchased a flock of these birds because I read in Mother Nature Network, , that they were one of the best tasting chickens. They are Black Chickens with white ear-muffs and an arrow-like comb. They are feisty, flighty, but will always go back to their coop at night. I keep them away from other breeds of chickens because they like to peck at their feet-i guess it's because they taste real good. I've had them since day were a day old chicks, so I guess they are somewhat comfortable with me. They laid their first egg on the 23rd week. It was small and white. So I am guessing, they take about 6 months to lay.

Eye-catching breed - Chloe,

This fabulous breed are a worthy edition to any collection. Our three La Fleche are now 24 weeks old and are looking wonderful, they are a truly striking breed. The cockerel is friendly and is starting to develop his striking features such as the wonderful v-shape horns and the large wattles and ear lobes. We are very excited about the future of this great breed and we look forward to breeding some next year.