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Leghorn Chickens

male white female bantam black

Breed Rating (43 Reviews)


Leghorn History

This chicken originates from The Port of Leghorn in Italy and arrived in Britain in the late 1800s in the white form followed by the brown. They have white earlobes and yellow legs and the eye is red in all colours. The females have a double folded comb, a deep abdomen and a whipped tail. The eyes are prominent and the beak is short and stout. Earlobes are well defined and the wattles are long, thin and fine in texture. Their legs are long and featherless with four toes on the feet with a long straight back toe and the feathers on the body are soft and silky. The Leghorns were one of the breeds used to create the modern battery hybrid layer as they are very productive birds and are able to adapt to all conditions.

Leghorn Behaviour

Leghorns are prolific layers that rarely go broody and are non-sitters unless left undisturbed. Eggs are white and of good size and are laid throughout the year. Chicks are easy to rear. They feather up quickly, are fast growers and mature quickly. The comb is large so care needs to be taken in cold, frosty weather to avoid frostbite. They can be left to roam freely but are just as happy in a run. They are sprightly, alert birds and can be tamed but not enough to allow handling and prefer to remain rather aloof. They can be rather noisy and will roost in trees given the chance. They are not good as table birds as they aren't very meaty.

Leghorn Varieties

Black, blue (not laced), brown, buff, cuckoo, golden duckwing, silver duckwing, exchequer, mottled, partridge, pyle and white.

Leghorn Pictures

four brown and white chickens in a tyre
Chicken in Wooden Chicken Coop Entrance
Chickens in run with Chicken Fencing
Rooster in run
Chicks in garden
Chicken in garden
17 week old Exchequer Leghorn Pullet
White Leghorn
Lavender leghorn
Moon having a drink
Snoozing leghorn
Exchequer leghorn
My beautiful white hen - she lays the most enormous eggs for her little size!
Brown Leghorn
Brown Leghorn
Brown Leghorn
White Leghorn hen
My ex commercial leghorn
Casper 12 months
The boss
Casper @ 21 weeks
Rowley - the general
Silver duckwing leghorn
White leghorn female by harry
White leghorn female by harry

Leghorn For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Exchequer Leghorns and White Leghorns.

Contact Seller


Description: Exchequer Leghorn (white egg layer) £25-£33 each. Hatching eggs and chicks are also available. We are based on the Kent Surrey borders near Biggin Hill. Please visit for other breeds or find us on Facebook

Exchequer Leghorn Bantam and Yellow Partridge Leghorn

Contact Seller


Description: Hatching eggs, fertility tested 2025 £15/6 Collection very welcome P&P at cost Please message for more details

Latest Reviews For Leghorn (5 of 43)

Good chickens better the second year very good layers lay pure white eggs - Barney,

Good chickens for your back garden Lay pure white eggs lay a egg a day there are good looking hens and are not gormandisers and eat very little

I love my leghorns - Jenny,

I have 3 white legorns, they are curious and very friendly. My girls have a massive garden to run around in, they love "helping" especially when I'm digging. None are clipped, they are a delight, no trouble at all.

They are very slim and beautiful! - Anna,

Great egg layers

Show chicken - Amelie, MIDLOTHIAN,

A very attractive chicken but can be quite aggressive, very pretty and the white ones are very good at staying clean

I don’t particularly like - Amelie,

I don’t really like the leghorns because I have a beautiful rooster who is so mean, he will chase you through the paddock even up the lawn. He has been treated the same to every other rooster I have bred and still nothing.

Breeder Clubs for Leghorn

Leghorn Club



Telephone: 01833 660260