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Sussex Bantam Chickens

female male

Breed Rating (11 Reviews)


Sussex Bantam History

The Sussex Bantam originates in Britain in around 1920 and is a dwarfed version of the Sussex. It has a rectangular body shape, medium long tail feathers, broad, deep breast, red earlobes and a featherless face. The comb is medium sized and single and the eye is red. The Sussex Bantam has featherless white legs and 4 toes.

Sussex Bantam Behaviour

They have a placid nature and are adept at coping with bad weather. They are easily tamed and will do anything for a treat. They make superb pets for children as they are affectionate and rarely show aggression in any form. They are excellent layers and often continue producing eggs throughout the winter. The hens make excellent broodies and wonderful mothers.

Sussex Bantam Varieties

Columbian, buff Columbian, red Columbian, grey, silver, red porcelain, white and Columbian blue marked.

Sussex Bantam Pictures

small fluffy yellow bantam chick stood next to its mother
My new rescue cutie. Fell asleep perched on my pinkie when we met!
A sussex bantam chickens.
Sussex Bantam Chicken
Sussex Bantam Chicken on top of cage
Sussex Bantam Chickens in Green Eglu Chicken Coop Run
Sussex Bantam Chickens in Eglu Chicken Coop
Sussex Bantam Chicken
Two chickens in garden
3 chickens in coop
Three chickens in garden
Chicken in cage
Chicken posing for camera
Chicken Posing
Close Up of Chickens head
Chicken Posing
Sussex Hen
2 chickens on grass

Sussex Bantam For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Sussex Bantam - Pullet - Light and buff sussex Sussex Bantam

Contact Seller


Description: Light/Buff Sussex bantams. Starting at £30 each. Hatching eggs and chicks are also available. We are based on the Kent Surrey borders near Biggin Hill Please visit for other breeds or find us on Facebook

Latest Reviews For Sussex Bantam (5 of 11)

4 Stars:


3 Stars:


1 Star:


Light Sussex Chickens - Mary,

- Liam,

I have three bantam light Sussex that are 10 week old and one of them is is dropping a yellow stuff not to sure wot it is it looks a bit like York wot could it be

These Chickens are Awesome. - Lacey,

I have a pair of Bantam Light Sussex and they one of the best breeds ever. Mary, the female, hasn't laid any eggs yet since it is winter but when I brought a silkie pullet, she adopted it as if it was her own chick. I wasn't sure if the rooster would take to the chick as the hen did but he also became protective of the chick and now no other roosters are allowed near the hens. These chickens are also very friendly towards people and little children and i hope to have more in the spring.

Excellent for the garden - Frazer,

Excellent layers, great mothers. I bought a trio that didn't make the show grade, however to my family they are priceless now, i paid £20 for them! This year we've had 19 chicks off the two hens, who were superb in brooding their young. The eggs also taste delicious, i'd say two Bantam eggs make up one 'normal' size egg. The chicks have gone to friends and family who want to get into chicken keeping and they are a good hardy starter bird. Of the two hens we would usually get about 10 eggs a week which is more than enough for a family of four.

Very good in general. - Barry,

I have 2 bantam sussex hens, one is a golden honey colour and the other is white. They are both very hardy birds as they survived 2 winters. I have a normal sized speckled sussex rooster, he tries his best to protect the hens from other animals, but he is friendly around humans.