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Welsummer Chickens

female male

Breed Rating (30 Reviews)


Welsummer History

The Welsummer is named after the village of Welsum in Holland although the breed was originally developed in the area along the river Ysel to the north of Deventer, Holland at about the same time as the Barnevelders (1900-1913). The Dutch bred it from the partridge Cochin, partridge Wyandotte and partridge Leghorn, the Barnevelder and Rhode Island Red. It was first imported into this country in 1928 for its large brown egg. The Welsummer is a large, upright, active bird with a broad back, full breast and large full tail. They head has a single comb, medium wattles, almond shaped ear lobes and a strong, short beak. They have yellow legs which fade to pale yellow in summer and reddish bay eyes.

Welsummer Behaviour

Welsummers lay lovely large eggs and the dark brown pigment can actually be rubbed off as it is added at the end of the egg laying sequence. They do go broody but not usually until late Spring but are not particularly good mothers. Chicks are strong and are easily sexed as females have much darker head and back markings than males. They lay fewer eggs during the winter. They are friendly, easily handled birds which love to free range and forage for food but can also be kept in runs quite happily. They are productive for 3 years of their 9 year lifespan.

Welsummer Varieties

Silver Duckwing, gold and black-red partridge.

Welsummer Status

Fairly common

Welsummer Pictures

A welsummer chicken inside some chicken fencing.
Welsummer chicks looking in the mirror - they love it.
A 1 week old welsummer chick.
Chicken in corn field
Chicken in coop
Chicken on fence
four brown and white chickens stood in a garden
an orange chicken in front of a red eglu classic chicken coop
Having fun in the corn!
a brown and orange chicken in a garden
My new welsummers!
All of my welsummers
Chilling out
My chickens at home      by tierney
Coco hanging out in the yard
Coco and Cute Chicken
Welsummer pair both 19 weeks old
My beautiful welsummer girl aged 19 weeks
Welsummer hen
Welsummer cockerell
14 weeks
Welsummer coc @ 15 weeks
Queen bea @ the barrel pond
Silver duckwing hens
Simon sdw cock
A welsummer chicken walking on grass
Welsummer cockerel 26 weeks

Welsummer For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Description: Welsummer £25-£33 each (brown egg layer We are based on the Kent Surrey borders near Biggin Hill.Hatching eggs and chicks are also available. Please visit for other breeds or find us on Facebook

Latest Reviews For Welsummer (5 of 32)

3 Stars:


2 Stars:


1 Star:


Great breed all year round - Rac,

Fantastic breed had 30years neck very fail to lay and reproduce its how you raise them

Bred for years perfect hens if kept right - Rachael,

Perfect hens if kept right

- Melissa,

Not very friendly - Sheldon,

Not very friendly but lay lots of eggs

Fabulous Welsummers - Ralph,

When we got our mixed flock 7 years ago no one could have told me that one of the two welsummer hens would last until only five weeks ago. She was a great great grandmother before she went and most of my flock have a little of her in them. She laid steadily for three years, 5 out of 7 days, with a winter break, then had a year off and then laid again for about 6 months before stopping. She raised chicks 4 times and on the fifth try she gave up halfway through. It had been the second time in a season so I can't blame her. The last 18 months I reckon she had earned just being able to enjoy life without responsibility. Unfortunately she must have eaten something bad because she became very poorly with mucky vent feathers. She bucked up for a couple days but I wasn't surprised to find her stiffened in the straw just before Christmas.

Breeder Clubs for Welsummer

Welsummer Club


Telephone: 01952 460274