Lionhead Rabbits

Breed Rating (4 Reviews)
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Lionhead History
The Lionhead has been recognised by the British Rabbit Council since 2002, but the American Rabbit Breeders’ Association (ARBA) only recently accepted it in 2014. The breed was labelled as being in “Certificate of Development” until there were three successful presentations of the breed. Now it has become accepted by the ARBA standards in the varieties Ruby Eyed White and Tortoise.
A Lionhead rabbit should weight somewhere between 2 ½ pounds and 3 ¾ pounds (1.1kg and 1.7kg) and have short, well furred 2” to 3” ears.
Lionhead Behaviour
Lionhead Varieties
Lionhead Status
Lionhead Pictures

Lionhead For Sale
Latest Reviews For Lionhead (4 of 4)
hi :) - Jane,
So sweet! Love 'em.
I breed lionheads for show - Stacey,
I handle my baby Lionheads from day one so that they’re people friendly. Beautiful rabbits for show with ARBA
Great pets - Jaclynn,
Great for my kids. Super friendly
Lionhead Rabbit - Jené,
Lionhead bunnies are beautiful and sweet bunnies. I’ve had 3 now… one for & two little bucks. They make very nice little pets if spayed/neutered and cared for properly. It’s best to keep bunnies indoors as “house rabbits” as they are prey animals. Bunnies are very clean and can be litter box trained. My little Lionhead doe, “Twinkle” is in the Lionhead bunny pictures for reference. This picture is when she was a baby.