Mini Lop Rabbits
Breed Rating (2 Reviews)
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Mini Lop History
After years of selective breeding the first Holland Lops were shown in 1964 and caused quite the sensation as they took the title for smallest lop breed weighing in at 2-2.5 kg.
It took 10 years for Holland Lops to be imported to Britain by a Yorkshire man named George Scott. Scott selectively bred his smallest Holland Lops for years to produce a miniature breed which was aptly named the ‘Miniature Lop’.
In 1994 the British Rabbit Council recognised the Miniature Lop as a breed with the breed standard having a maximum weight of 1.6 kg.
Mini Lop Behaviour
As with any rabbit they can be skittish and fearful if they are not socialised from an early age, so make sure you buy from a reputable breeder and spend plenty of time handling them.
Mini Lop Varieties
Mini Lop Status
Mini Lop Pictures

Mini Lop For Sale
Latest Reviews For Mini Lop (2 of 2)
Mini lops are totally AMAZING - Archie,
They are so CUTE and friendly and inquisitive!
beautiful breed - Lops,
I've always owned mini lops from being a little girl and this year I decided to breed which was wonderful They are a friendly breed who loves cuddles I tend to find males are more cuddly than some females They like to play so toys are a must even if it's a toilet roll :)