Browse our manuals and how-to videos to follow Omlet's expert advice at your pace. Need parts? Check our spares section. FAQs cover common questions, and our Customer Experience Team is always here to help.
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Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
Eglu Pro chicken coop user manual
(Boxes A, B, C, D & E)
Eglu Pro wheels user manual
(Box F)
Eglu Pro run user manual
(Boxes G & H)
Eglu Pro run extension user manual
(Box J)
Eglu Pro run handles user manual
(Box K)
Eglu Pro - How to attach the coop run connection kit to Walk In Run
Eglu Pro - How to attach the Coop connection kit to Walk In Run
Eglu Pro - How to attach the Autodoor
How to attach the Extreme Weather Jacket
Assembly videos
Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
Eglu Pro - How to assemble the Eglu Pro chicken coop
Eglu Pro - How to build the Eglu Pro Run
Eglu Pro - How to assemble the Eglu Pro Handles
Eglu Pro - How to assemble the Eglu Pro Wheels
Product FAQs
How many boxes will my Eglu Pro arrive in, and how long will it take to build?
It comes in five boxes, labelled A to E, to be built in alphabetical order. The run and wheels come in additional boxes. Our ‘How to build’ videos will guide you through. It’s a big coop and may take some time, so we suggest you get friends round and pizzas in. The result is well worth it!
Why can't I select wheels for my Eglu Pro without a run?
Due to its size, the Eglu Pro could topple if on wheels without the counterbalance of a run. Therefore, we can only supply wheels if you select a run attached to your coop.
Will the Eglu Pro attach to the Walk-In Run?
Yes, you can connect your Pro to an Omlet Walk In Run using a connection kit. If you want the coop attached directly to the run, use this kit, and if you already have a coop run on your Pro that you want to attach to a bigger run, use this kit.
Are the nest box partitions removable, and can an Autodoor be used to close the doors?
The nest boxes are always divided into three, and need to be closed manually.
Do your single perch wooden roosting bars fit the Eglu Pro?
Our 2m Perch fits across the Eglu Pro 3m Run at a diagonal.
Are the wall panels of the Eglu Pro the same as the Eglu Cube Mk2, or like the Eglu Go Up, and is the coop insulated for cold weather?
The Eglu Pro wall panels are the same as the Eglu Cube, with dual panels to trap air and insulate the coop, making it suitable for year round use.
Can I buy the new ladder separately for use with my existing Eglu Cube?
Yes, you can buy the coop ladder here and easily retrofit it to your Cube.
How much space does my Eglu Pro need?
When setting up your Eglu Pro, allow 90cm of space at the back of the house so you can slide the droppings and nesting trays out easily and 70cm at the front of the run so you can open the run door.
Please note:
You should not add wheels to the Eglu Pro without a run.
The Eggport door is not load bearing, and should not be leaned on.
The Eglu Pro run dimensions include 1 metre of space below the coop.
Box J Run Extension: 98.5cm x 58.5cm x 8cm (13.3kg)
Box K Run Handles: 43cm x 6cm x 34cm (1.7kg)
Why is water getting through my Eggport seal during heavy rain?
If water is getting through your Eggport seal, please make sure each corner of the seal is not folded in. If it is, please remove the seal and carefully apply boiling water to the corners. The rubber should relax back into its original form, and the seal can then be put back into position, ensuring it isn't stretched around the corners.
Will the Eglu Pro fit inside of a Walk-In Run?
The Pro can be placed inside a WIR if it is at least 3 x 4 x 2 (2.7m x 3.6m x 2.05m)
Can the nest boxes be opened/closed individually?
The nest box doors are hinged and swing as one, and lock in position down/closed or open/up horizontally against the roof.
Why does the 2m cover and the 2m extension cover have slightly different dimensions?
We recommended an overlap of a couple of inches between the 2m run and the run extension covers, so the extension cover is 2 inches wider to account for the overlap.