The budgie is perfectly designed for its nomadic life in the Australian outback. Like other parrots, it has very dexterous four-toed feet, which act like hands for grasping and holding objects. Its beak offers additional support to the toes, and the bird can open its mouth very wide when gripping large items. This is a budgie speciality - most birds have the upper part of the beak fused to the skull, but in the budgie and other parrots the upper beak is hinged, giving much freer movement.

A pair of budgies in the wild
Cock birds have stronger beaks than hens; but it's the females who tend to use it more in defence, especially when there's a nest to defend. The bird is never going to do its owner much damage with such a little weapon, but you will definitely feel it if an angry bird nips you!
Susan, 4 August 2019
If you don't want her to lay more eggs, leave them. It may take some time but she will eventually realize the eggs will not hatch. She may lay more in addition to the 2 she has already laid. You should get another budgies. Budgies (especially budgies) need at least one other budgie or they become psychotic, mean and forget how to play or have fun.
Peggy, 7 May 2019
My female budgie has laid 2 eggs in the last 4 weeks , they are not fertalized we only have the one bird . Do I leave them for her to sit on or take them away .Her personality has changed , she comes out of her cage to poo then goes back to the eggs ,she is not as friendly and has stopped talking , we only shut her in at night and cover her with a cloth . Please help it is upsetting me to see her like this . Thank you Peggy