Taming a pet budgie is all about gaining his trust. You are much bigger than him, and his natural instinct will be to feel intimidated. It takes a little time to reassure a young budgie that the hulking monster beyond the cage is not only harmless, but is a friend and playmate too.
Sudden movements, loud noise and banging things against the cage will frighten your budgie, no matter how happy and extrovert he seems otherwise. Sticking a hand inside the cage will spook him too, so things have to be taken slowly.

Gaining your budgie's trust is the key
Taming Budgies Together
The tips that follow apply largely to smaller cage setups of up to four birds. Taming larger groups – in an aviary, for example – is a different, and far easier, proposition, as you will not be training them individually. Unless you are setting up a new aviary, there will be a few birds already used to your presence. The newcomers will learn from this and come to see you as harmless. Linger with them for any length of time, and they will begin to use you as a perch.
If it is a new aviary, lingering with the budgies is even more important. It doesn’t have to be inside the cage, but make sure you spend a few hours each day close to the bars, talking and moving around so that the budgies can watch and, ultimately, ignore you. Make sure other family members and pet dogs show themselves too.
Taming a Budgie Fast
Taming individual birds requires time and effort. If you want to tame a budgie fast, you’ll need to hold several training sessions each day. That way, you might have a hand-tamed bird in a week or two. The more time you put in, the fewer days or weeks it will take to gain his trust.
Building trust is the key – this is the first step, whether you’re attempting to get a budgie talking, perching on your shoulder and performing a couple of tricks, or simply aiming for a cageful of birds happy with your presence.
Minakshi, 30 October 2024
I've been trying for almost 3 week yet my budgie only come's on my hand once during the night
Stephanie, 12 August 2024
Hi I have had to budgies for about 3 weeks now 1 male and 1 female, they seem like they still don't trust me I talk to them all the time and stand close to there cage but it's like there still scared, how long does it take for them to trust you properly.
Cathy, 25 January 2022
I have had birds most of my life. I have one female that just wants to Chirp so loud it goes Thur ur ears… I have tryed everything !!!! Any tips
Linda, 24 December 2021
We've had parakeets for about 10 years, as we got them from a previous owner. Starting out with 7: two got away from the cage when we took it outdoors, another one female got out one autumn and incredibily 2 summers later saw her perched on the rear yard pine tree! Leaving 4: then another accidentally got away again having left open a gate when outside. That left 2 Beaky, who was the "left-out" male brother who became very healthy when we started paying attention to him & his sis, Susie who was always the youngest of the group. Beaky passed awa a few days ago. (Why--? Don't know exactly) Susie the most carefree of them all is left now! We want to get her at least a companion but all the parakeets in pet shops are young birds, betw 3-5 mos. old. How could we get her some company? She is very Vibrant--we always left the cage gates open for them to fly around their cage whenever they want. They just go in to eat, drink, sleep, hang-out, etc. And I understand it's hard to tell at their young age their sex. So, wondering if you have suggestions? Thanks!!!!
Vyx, 12 August 2021
I have three parakeets two male and one female. The boys have recently, from what I have noticed, fighting. I am worried as one has a slight red spot, not blood, but weren't like this before. There hasn't been a change in routine other than me being home more.