Like humans, budgies love their toys. A selection of swings, bells, balls and homemade playthings will fill your pet’s life with fun, mental stimulation, and endless excuses for exercise. A budgie deprived of toys will be a sad bird indeed, suffering both physically and mentally.

Budgies love a cage well stocked with toys
Budgies like to climb, jump, swing and flap, and to probe their environment with beak and feet. Anything non-toxic that they can chew on will entertain them for hours. This could be a seed bell or novelty cage attachment from a pet shop, or a simple ping-pong ball or homemade toy.
Keep two or three toys in the cage at any given time (in addition to the permanent fixtures such as a swing and a bell). Swap them every couple of days. Don’t be tempted to throw all the toys in there at once and clutter up the cage bottom. Don’t impede the budgie’s flying space, either. This is especially important if you have a small cage, where the bird’s flightpath options are already limited.
An Omleteer, 1 April 2021
Hi, I have 2 budgies. As re the above. And you asking about them being let out, well I have tried to get mine out and about but they won’t have it, I have trouble with them anyway, what with them biting the bars if their cage... so I don’t know what to do about it...
Keerat, 17 July 2019
I understand where you’re coming from but it is cruel to keep them in a cage without letting them out. Birds are not me at for confinement, regardless what breed they are. They need to stretch their wings, fly around the room, get used to the environment outside of the cage to thrive. Even if you let them out for a little bit before going to work or school in the morning, they will probably make a few rounds around the place and go back to their cage once they are done. You can let them out again once your home and it is safe. Another concern is if they are confined to the cage they will want to fly around inside. That can result in serious injury because there is not sufficient space for them to really let it all out, they will fly into the walls, toys and fall on the floor. If they get scared inside the cage they are going to panic and try to flee, but there will be no way out. Just be mindful to only let them out if you or someone comfortable with birds is at home.
Sheila, 20 April 2019
My very clever, talking budgie plays all day on the floor - I don't mean the floor of his cage - I mean my carpet. Do you have any toys that will just stand on the floor? He has normal toys such as balls, toilet rolls, a drum, jigsaw and wheels to name but a few but I would like more variety for him. I get sick of playing football with him.
Charles, 11 March 2019
Hi I was hoping you could give me some advice on a Budgie that was given to me. Is it cruel to keep them in a cage without ever letting them out to exercise their wings and body? Thanks Charles