Cat intelligence is not measured by how quickly a cat can read a book, but by how well they can be trained, their interaction with other animals, and their ability to adapt to new environments. Below is our top 7 most intelligent cat breeds.
If you would like to discover more intelligent cat breeds use our cat directory. You can filter through every pedigree cat breed and use our 5 star intelligence rating to pick out the smartest.
#1 - Abyssinian

An adult Abyssinian cat lying down looking out of the window
Abyssinian cats are very confident in themselves and possess an air of superiority about them. We see them as intelligent because they love to interact with their owners and seem happiest when they are being mentally stimulated.
#2 - Siamese

A Siamese Cat lying down having a deserved rest
Siamese cats are perhaps the most intelligent of them all. They are forever getting into mischief with their inquisitive nature making them explore every corner of the house. This breed may respond better than others to training and many owners report that their Siamese cats can do tricks.
#3 - Bengal

A very clever and sociable Bengal Cat
These sociable cats enjoy human interaction which can be a sign of intelligence. They will often ‘talk’ to us with their chirpy meows. They love jumping and climbing as they explore their surroundings. Many Bengal owners have reported that their cat enjoys water and has learnt to play fetch.
#4 - Burmese

An intelegent black Burmese cat who loves human interaction
Burmese cats are often described as having a dog-like personality with their love of human interaction and high levels of intelligence. They are very sociable cats who are happiest by your side and having all your attention. They interact well with children and dogs which can also be a sign of intelligence.
#5 - Cornish Rex

A clever and inquisitive Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is a clever and inquisitive breed who will explore every inch of your house if you let them. They really enjoy playing games and human interaction so be prepared to have a cat that will pester you for attention.
#6 - Savannah

A highly active and intelligent Savannah Cat
Savannah cats are highly active and many maintain a wild side to their temperament. This makes them very intelligent and in need of lots of play sessions and/or walks on the lead in order to keep them mentally stimulated/.
#7 - Scottish Fold

A Scottish Fold Cat who thrives off attention
Scottish folds enjoy toys that test their mental capacity such as teaser toys or puzzle toys. They enjoy interacting with their owners and thrive on your attention. This breed of cat will demand a game or two out of you when you come home from work to satisfy their boredom.
Fatima, 20 July 2024
I have a Persian cat which is a mix of Tabby, she learned tricks almost immediately, she also recognizes voices and doesn't come when other people (that she doesn't like) call her. She is highly intelligent she also replicates human behaviors and has a favorite movie lol
Angela, 14 January 2023
So I adopted a four month old main coon mix he doesn't look much like coon but his size is telling .. anyway he's the smartest cwt I've ever had hes tabby .. he talks tells me off knows no immediately knows jump up knows play time knows eat drink pillow stop soft paws ect .. he's a brilliant little boy I get the feeling tabby has more to do with it than his breeds I just do.. he's vocal but not overly so .. he's loving yet independent I adore him
Donna, 27 December 2021
Before I even opened the link, when I saw the header "Most Intelligent Cat Breeds" I knew that my adopted Abby was included. And I wasn't THAT surprised to see her at the top of the list. I lovingly remember our time together years ago.
Majeed, 13 September 2020
I love Adopting cat so lam looking for one more smart and adaptable when we return to our house at Arizona end this year with my wife only . I am excited to these amazing cats . Thank you
Buddha, 14 May 2020
I have had several breeds in my life. My Russian Blues are always extremely intelligent. Russian Blues should be on the list. My current Blue is amazing. He comes when called. Sits on command. Fetches on command. Has a really broad range of purrs, chirps, bird like noises, meows, yowls, which map to what he wants or what he is doing. Super cuddly but also very independent. He is incredibly good at interpreting what I want. He can open cabinets and door with level handles. He is also supremely confident with everyone, cats, people, dogs, and he is not afraid of anything. He also walks on a leash. I can actually vacuum him if I wanted. All my current cats are really stable but he just stands out in terms of intelligence.