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Do You Need a Cockerel?

No. Chickens lay quite happily without the amorous intentions of a handsome red wattled male, such as old Perky here.

Stephanie Croft's wonderful Friesian Cockerel entering his Eglu Classic Chicken Coop
Stephanie Croft's wonderful Friesian Cockerel entering his Eglu Classic Chicken Coop

Should you have a cockerel, you can be sure he will do his best to fertilise the eggs. If a chicken is broody she will then sit on these eggs for 21 days (the incubation period) and with a bit of luck these eggs will hatch and produce more chickens.

The eggs a chicken lays without the help of a cockerel are not fertilised and will therefore never hatch.

Customer Images

An orpington chicken being pet
A vorweck chicken standing on a garden
A boy holding a really large australorp cockerel
Chicken looking out of run


Hisham, 11 May 2018

Too much information. I love it

Roddyrarebreeds, 16 October 2011

Cocker ales are a lovely bird,if you have say several ,different breeds ,say White leghorns ,black,red,you want to keep them pure you will need 3pens3 lots off housing feeders water pots 3 times the amount of cleanig and at least 4 hens per cock,say you want to reel and breed silikey,batam ,Moreno game,them same applys you do well to remember that I have 20 different trios plus 80 ducks it cost me well over six grand to do all the sprate pens arks and feeders and about £75 a week to feed clean and worm a200 sorts out most laments about £2 ashot if you do it yurselt all medication can be given by a knowligable keeper happy bird keeping Tony Roddy roddyrarebreed