The best is not over, autumn means the return of deep bowls of piping hot soup made from splendid home grown vegetables. It’s also a great time for your chickens - who can be seen enjoying the last of the fallen fruit and raking frantically through the autumn leaves hoping to find a juicy bug.
David Gale's hens enjoying their Walk In Run in the Autumn months
As the days get shorter and the nights start to draw in it’s important to remember to lock your Eglu door promptly. And finally, sort out your compost heap and give it a good turn, to make sure all those chicken droppings are working their magic.
Jessica Umpleby's chickens love feeding on the fallen fruit in the garden
Bonfire Night
If you or your neighbours like to celebrate bonfire night with a firework display it may be best to bring your chickens into the house. You can put them in a spacious cardboard box lined with straw and with plenty of air holes and then pop them back into the garden in the morning. Chickens will head straight for any ashes left over from a bonfire so just make sure that they have cooled down to avoid any accidents.
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