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Comments for The Colourful World of Canaries and Finches

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Idee, 8 October 2019

I have 2 male Society Finches. They are in a double cage so it is large. One of the males has been landing on me to tear up tissues, paper towels and give it to him and he flies and puts it in their nest. Last month I noticed them both happily playing and flying and making new nests wherever they can (its quite hilarious) and I saw one fussing with the others feathers under his neck. One week later it was a bald spot, now it is a big bald spot and getting bigger. I wish I could post a pic. There's no aggressive behavior. They are both hand trained and constantly getting a free ride landing on my hair and staying with me throughout the day. (I make sure they are in their room when I am leaving.) So I guess my question is: DO I USE IODINE ON THE BALD AREA AS WAS RECOMMENDED BY A FINCH GROUP? I look forward to any help you can give me. They are both so adorable and friendly...they even play with my 2 parakeets. I've never seen such love between birdies. Thanks everyone.

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