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Comments for Keeping Different Birds Together

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Paul, 13 September 2020

Can budgies and gouldians get along? The budgies are past vreeding age

Reatha, 4 May 2020

Can pigeons be kept with African grays and/or finches, doves, or cockatiels? Also can pigeons and partridges be kept in the same yard? And 1 more question: Can rooks be kept as pets? And if so, can they be kept with myna birds. Where is the best possible place in Texas to acquire/purchase a myna bird?(from a reputable and competent professional breeder?).

Joann, 25 April 2020

Yes I have a pair of zebra finches and she is laying on the eggs now for almost 3 weeks now and they haven’t hatched yet so my question is will they hatch cause now she’s spending a lot of time outside of the nest.

Christine, 20 February 2020

I have to white finchies one male and one female can you put a bugie in the same cage or not

Teresa, 16 August 2019

I have a pet sparrow, due to it being raised from 7 days old and not wanting to leave. Can I put another bird in the large cage for company? If yes, any suggestions as to what bird?

Melissa, 14 July 2019

I have a male orange weaver finch and can’t find a female one anywhere.Is there any other breed of finch or bird I can get so he’s not alone anymore

Dean, 1 July 2019

I'm building an aviary in my spare room that's going to be 6ft x 6ft x 3ft. I'm thinking about putting 5 pairs of finches in it and was wandering if I could mix zebra finches with plum headed and chestnut breasted munias or gouldians? Any advice appreciated, thanks.

Elizabeth, 17 May 2019

Can 1 female canary live successfully with 2 female society finches

Jennifer, 22 February 2019

I have a lonely male Lady Goudain Finch and am finding it hard to find him a mate. Can someone recommend what bird would make him happy. The cage is large Thank you

Carol, 19 January 2019

Hiya, got a question ! I have a single female bourke parakeet, she has a huge cage (and is getting a even bigger upgrade soon) would it be possible to give her a friend like a single bengalese finch? And if so male or female ? Thanks !

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