The only human foods that a gerbil should eat are some fruits and vegetables, and three or four varieties of unsalted nuts.
Although we are related (albeit very distantly), gerbils are a desert species that have evolved in very different conditions to you or I. They have quite different digestive systems that are adapted to a desert climate, and so they aren’t able to eat a lot of the things that we can happily munch on with no nasty side effects. In particular, processed things such as crisps, cakes, sweets and chocolate can really upset your pets’ stomachs and cause major problems with their teeth. For more detailed information, have a look at our Foods To Avoid page.

It's best to be catious when offering your gerbils food - if you can't see it below or on our food list, then it's best to steer clear
When giving your gerbils human food, it’s best to stick to fruits and vegetables, and a few different types of nuts and seeds. Some of the foods that are safe for both us and gerbils are as follows:
- Apple
- Banana
- Broad beans
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Chicory
- Dandelion
- Grass
- Pea
- Parsnip
- Pear
- Pumpkin seeds (treat)
- Sunflower seeds (treat)
- Strawberries
- Turnip
- Unsalted peanut (treat)
Denise, 9 January 2024
I'm looking after my daughter gerbil for her permanently can they eat peppers I try to give them a verity of fruit veg
Nyah, 23 December 2023
They are allowed pumpkin seeds!! But no grapes or rhubarb! It’s very poisonous and I don’t know why grape is on the list
Martha/Texas, 24 July 2023
Grapes are poisonous to rodent.
April, 18 May 2019
I don't thing gerbils should have pumpkin seeds.