Gerbils will love to chomp on a lot of different fruits and vegetables, as well as their daily provision of their regular dry mix. Below we’ve created a list of some of the plants that your gerbils will enjoy, and that are safe to eat. Be sure to only offer these foods in small quantities - too much can cause an upset stomach.

There are a few different foods your pets can eat - it might be a good idea to try a few and see which are their favourites
Remember, just like us, each gerbil will have its own personal likes and dislikes, so try them on a number of different things and see which is their favourite. Enjoy!
Gerbil Food List (non-exhaustive):
- Dry mixes - pellets and/or seed mixes
- Apple
- Banana
- Broad beans
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Chicory
- Dandelion
- Grass
- Pea
- Parsnip
- Pear
- Pumpkin seeds (treat)
- Sunflower seeds (treat)
- Strawberries
- Turnip
- Unsalted peanut (treat)
Emily, 27 January 2024
Never give grape or rhubarb. They are poisonous to rodents
Alyn, 7 April 2020
They love sunflower seeds (only 6 or 7a day) and they will take them out of your hands. When they are young they are a bit timid and can try to bite you but they don't bite very hard. Just keep handling them everyday and they get used to you and stop biting. Good luck.
Cynthia, 3 April 2020
Hello! I was wondering if there were any tips on what food to use when you are trying to get your gerbil to like you and be your friend instead of hiding in every place they can when you are nearby. Any help?