There are some minimum requirements for gerbil cages, which need to be fulfilled by whatever you’re thinking of using as an enclosure, whether you’re buying one from a firm or using something you already have. Read on for a list of features your gerbils’ home needs for them to happy and healthy.

There are some simple requirements that gerbil cages need to fulfil
Your gerbils may be small, but they need a lot of space to run around in. They will spend the vast majority of their lives in this enclosure, so it needs to be of a size in which they can get adequate entertainment and exercise.
Basic recommendations vary, but it’s best to get the largest size that you can afford. The bigger the better! It's great if you can fit in at least five or six inches of bedding, in addition to having adequate space to run around on top and next to it.
One of the principle things you need to be sure of is that the enclosure is safe. If you are at all worried whether or not the enclosure is safe or secure, then we cannot stress enough how important it is that you do not put your pets in there. If you think it’s unstable, has anything sharp that your pets can hurt themselves on, or has any holes in it, then don’t put your pets inside.
Home-made enclosures can be suitable if you or the person who built it really knows what they’re doing. If you’re not sure, then we recommend purchasing one from somewhere you know that they are well-made and will hold your pet safely.

One of the most important things in a gerbil cage is that it is safe for your pets
Another key safety tip is to not purchase an enclosure with a lid that can fall into the enclosure. For example, if there is a lid on top of the cage that could fall down as you’re trying to lift it up. Gerbils are really tiny creatures that could be seriously injured by something falling on them. As well as lids, be sure to securely fix wheels and any toys so that they can’t come loose or fall off.
The right materialsIt’s important that your gerbils’ enclosure is made of the right materials. Gerbils are excellent at escaping, and their sharp little teeth will make short work of thin plastic or wood. The wood will need to be safe for gerbils - if they gnaw on it it shouldn’t splinter easily, and they shouldn’t become ill from gnawing on it. It’s inevitable that they’ll have a little chew at some point!
Whilst intricate towers of plastic tubes look fun for kids, they’re not a very good option for a number of reasons - first, they can easily be chewed through, enabling your pet to escape. Second, a pregnant or slightly chubby or full gerbil could easily get stuck in one of the components. Third, a poorly-constructed section could break and seriously injure your pet in the process.
Whatever you gerbil cage looks like, you need to be able to clean it properly. Lots of corners are particularly prone to build-ups of dirt, and so it’s good to choose one that you can easily get all the grime out of.
A private zone
Although your pets will enjoy your company a lot of the time, they will appreciate a private space that they can curl up in without lots of eyes staring at them. This could be a little house that you supply, or an extra-deep layer of bedding so that they can create their own little nest to hide in.
Make sure that the size of the opening is large enough for you to easily reach all areas of the cage. This will be very useful when you come to clean out the cage!
VentilationHaving a properly-ventilated enclosure is incredibly important, not only so that your pets can breath properly, but so that they can keep cool when the warm weather arrives. Anything with glass or plastic lids are very dangerous, as they often only allow a little bit of ventilation.
Lila, 5 June 2021
Wow this is very helpful I still am trying to get my parents to let me get one and this might do it!:-)