There are lots of different options for your gerbil cage, ranging from more modern options such as the Omlet Hamster & Gerbil Cage, to more traditional varieties such as those mentioned here. There are literally hundreds of different gerbil cages, so we can’t cover the pros and cons of them all, but we’ve collected some information you might find useful when making your decision.

There are both traditional and more modern options for gerbil cages
Whichever you choose, it’ll need to fulfill the minimum cage requirements (you can read more about them on our Minimum Requirements page. It will need to be large enough, made of a safe material, and well-ventilated.
Plastic cages
Whilst these options look fun, gerbils often escape from them if the plastic is too thin. They can gnaw through, and escape multiple times. If you would like a cage with plastic components, make sure that it’s quite thick plastic, or a specially-created one like those for the Omlet Hamster & Gerbil Cage.
Wire cages
Whilst these allow for adequate ventilation, they do leave the enclosure vulnerable to drafts. If you do have a wire cage, it’s important that only a section of the cage is wire - it will need to have a plastic or wooden base so that you can fill the enclosure with several inches of bedding.
Another thing to watch out for with wire cages is that the enclosure will need to have quite small gaps between the bars. You would be surprised at how small a gap gerbils can squeeze through.
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