Gerbils are great pets - they’re fun, cute, and endlessly entertaining. Though they’ve only really been on the mainstream pet markets for a few years, their temperaments and endearing appearances have made them a strong favourite amongst pet owners in many different countries. However, before you commit to looking after one of these little creatures, there are some questions that you’ll need to consider, such as whether you have the time and the funds to look after two of these animals properly.

Gerbils' popularity is soaring - and for good reason!
One of the biggest things that you’ll need to think about is who you are buying the pet for. Experts and animal welfare organisations say that gerbil owners need to be over the age of eleven or twelve years old. Even when the owner is over this age, they will require supervision by an adult to make sure they are feeding the pet twice a day and cleaning them out once a week. If the pet is intended for a younger child, then it’s best to either wait until they are a little older, or understand that, as with all pets, the parent or guardian is responsible for the animals’ welfare. Even the most mature of children can easily drop these animals or forget to feed them.
This section of the guide covers a number of different areas, including whether or not a different pet is a better fit to you, how long these animals live for, and how much you can expect to pay in order to cover some of the basic costs.
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