Each guinea pig is different, and most will have a specific favourite food or foods. Good bets are carrots and carrot tops, cucumber and dandelion leaves. If your guinea pigs don’t have regular access to grass then a big juicy handful will elicit excited squeaks from most guinea pigs, young or old.
Some owners have had a lot of joy by giving their guinea pigs special shop-bought treats, whereas others have guinea pigs that will prefer a slice of apple or a stem of broccoli.

Different guinea pigs will have different favourite foods
Exercise a bit of caution when treating your guinea pig. It’s a good idea to only give them fruit in moderation, as too much can lead to the acid in the fruit giving them sores across their mouth. It’s also wise to be a bit careful when giving your guinea pigs leafy treats. Like us, guinea pigs can’t always tells what’s good for them, so have a look at our section on What Guinea Pigs Shouldn’t Eat if you’re not sure whether or not to treat your guinea pig to a choice piece of greenery.
Debra, 17 April 2020
HELP ... Stuck in bad situation! Was given a "service pet" that turned out to be a "RESCUE GP" ... @ 3 months old GP had been returned 2 times and has a quarter inch scar on his nose ... Lots of issues but biggest prob is GP DOES NOT DRINK ANY WATER!!! I give him celery constantly to try to make up but I worry! He is alone is 5 months old now ... GP is still afraid of us and we r in lock down so ... No getting him a friend ... No spaying ... No touching/holding ... What about trimming his long long nails ... OR giving him a bath ... HELP ME ... RATHER HELP BOOMER BUTTKISS MY GP ... I CANNOT LIVE W HURTING ANY LIVING THING AND I WILL NOT GIVE HIM BACK ... AGAIN!!! But a good approved home w friends would b nice ... She'd tears over this????
Logan, 4 April 2019
Gunnea pigs favourite food well I find is to be lettuce. Don’t give it anything such as crisps or anything with sugar and bread is not recommended give it something to do play with it at least two times a day when you first get it watch it might biters if it does take time to get it out and feed its favourite people less kids to track in class
Viktoria, 23 April 2018
in class we got a gunnea pig and we were told to make an info sheet and this page really helped