Guinea pigs love human contact, and love to be picked up and cuddled. They do however have very round heavy bodies,
and little legs, and they do not bounce well if they are dropped, so they must be picked up and carried very carefully
so that they do not fall and break a leg.

It's important to hold these little animals properly
If your new guinea pigs appear a bit skittish, running around their pen when you try to catch them, then spend some time just stroking them when you feed them, so that they become used to you first. Guinea pigs are always very friendly and will not bite when you try to pick them up.
It is usually best to support them with one hand under their chest, and one under their bottom, and then transfer them so that you are holding them supported against your chest as you move around. Only ever carry one guinea pig at a time.
Guinea pigs will sit on your lap for ages watching TV with you. It is always wise to sit them on a towel though, to catch any unfortunate little accidents!
Emmi, 23 June 2012
This is a really good site and very helpful for those with Guinea Pigs. I would recomend the website to everyone and the Eglu is fantastic for my little piggies, they love it
Maddi, 20 November 2011
Whoever made this website has a gift...
Sarah, 4 August 2011
i have just taken interest in Guinea pigs yesterday cuz i was at Petsmart. i just love them soooooooooooooooo much:) its very interesting learning about them:) they are quite interesting:) whoever wrote this is amazing:) :) i wnt a Guinea pig:)
Milissa, 9 June 2011
you are a great help thanks