By now your guinea pigs are likely to be out all the time, and feeding them at this time of year will be cheap, as they can eat grass all day. They will be doing a good job of mowing and fertilising your garden at the same time! Do remember to provide them some shade from the heat of the sun. Guinea pigs do not appeared to be troubled by flies in the same way that rabbits are, but it is still important to check them daily to make sure they have clean bottoms.

Summer is a great time for guinea pigs - they love spending their days lounging on grass
Guinea pigs get very hot, just like we do. They'll need plenty of fresh water, and watch out for heatstroke if the thermometer gets over 24 degrees.
Clare, 20 April 2011
thank you for all the info. it has answered all my questions. i really appreciate it and now i think i will get one in the summer. thank you :)