Females (sows) can be spayed and male guinea pigs (boars) can be neutered. Costs for spaying and neutering guinea pigs vary, but the operation will normally cost around £50 per pet. Bear in mind that you'll only need to neuter one of the sexes if the aim is simply to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Both sows and boars require a surgical operation to get either spayed or neutered. Any operation is stressful for a guinea pig and not without its dangers, so if possible, you should keep guinea pigs in single-sex combinations. This precludes the possibility of guinea pig babies. This being said, segregation should never result in a single cavy being kept on its own. Guinea pigs always need company.

A boy with his two guinea pigs, outdoors in their Omlet Outdoor Guinea Pig Run
Female guinea pigs can become stressed when pregnant and when confronted with hungry youngsters. Severe birth complications are not uncommon for guinea pigs either. If you want younger guinea pigs it may be best to consider adopting them from one of the many guinea pigs breeds currently in shelters across the country.
Marie, 26 April 2024
Where can find a cheaper place than 600 to neuter my guinea pig??
Tiffany, 12 April 2023
I just got quoted 1200 for a Guinea spay. 700 at a different clinic. Where are these places charging 100 bucks at? Why is it so expensive… is 1200 “reasonable”?!
Alina, 3 September 2022
Hi, someone mentioned lice on their piggies. How did you discover it? Sometimes my piggies scratch but they are very wriggly and I struggle to check their fur
Susan, 20 April 2021
I got a new piggy who is 3 months old. Would it be wise to wait til she is at least 6 months old before spaying. I want to prevent ovarian and uterine problems for when she gets older. I would like to think benefits outweigh risks. Im aware surgery on a piggy is risky
Tyla, 19 March 2020
I have two male guinea pigs that are 5 and 7 months old. My long hair guinea pig Bailey (7 months old) has lice. I wasnt able to find lice on Avery (5 months old). I want to take then to the vet to get something to get rid of the lice. How much will the vet trip for both of my Guniea Pigs cost and how much will the treatment for them cost?