One of the most important choices a rabbit owner has to make is this: ‘what enclosure will I house my pets in?’. The hutch is where your rabbits will spend most of their lives, so it’s important that it’s both safe and large enough for them. Whilst it needs to be big enough, essentially the ultimate choice of the design is up to you. Portable or static? Modern or traditional? Plastic or wooden?
We stock two kinds of rabbit hutch on our website – the Eglu Classic and the Eglu Go. Both are fantastic choices for a pair of medium-sized rabbits. They feature an attractive design, and create a large, safe space for your rabbits to make their home in. These modern hutches come with a lengthy, fox-resistant run attached, in which your rabbits can enjoy the outdoors. Free with both of these units are the essentials any rabbit owner will need: a hay rack, a water bottle, a food bowl and a run cover, to keep out the rain and to keep off the sun.
You can find out more about both of these hutches at our shop. We’ve also created some videos to show you how the unit works - for example, Eglus are specifically designed to be extremely easy to clean, and you can view a demo on the Eglu page.
Judy, 25 March 2022
Are these products available in Canada?