If you have a good-sized garden, then you may want to be able to offer your pets a larger part of it than your hutch and run currently allows. If you have the room for it, your pets will thank you! They’ll love having a new area to explore, and a little more space to run around in. Depending on what hutch and run you currently own, you may be able to purchase an extension – this is certainly the case for our Eglu hutches, both the Eglu Classic and the Eglu Go.

You can extend your rabbit Eglu units, no matter which you own
Here at Omlet, our designers have created Eglu extensions: units that fit onto your existing Eglu run in order to offer your rabbits even more space. Simply order the units from our website, we will deliver them to you, and then you can fit the extension to your existing unit.
If you own an Eglu Go, then there is just one extension needed to extend your hutch. This comes in the form of panels, which you fix to your existing run before reattaching the original end panel. Like the extensions for the Eglu Classic, each will give your pets another metre of space.
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