Rabbits are generally clean creatures – you’ll often see them grooming themselves and giving their friends assistance too. However, they may need a bit of help once in awhile; most rabbit breeds would benefit from a good brushing when they are molting. It’s worth noting that some longer-haired varieties (such as Angora rabbits) may need this attention on a regular basis.

Most rabbit breeds will rarely need help keeping clean
This section provides general advice on keeping your rabbits clean, from cleaning your pets’ feet to bathing them in an emergency. It’s important to keep an eye on the condition of your pet and its coat - if you notice that your rabbit is having trouble keeping itself in good shape, then there may be an underlying illness that needs your attention. If there’s a lot of dung caught in your rabbit’s rear fur for example, or if they are getting bald patches before old age, then these are signs that there may be an issue. Have a look at our illnesses section to see if you can try and identify the problem, and if that fails, then a trip to the vet may be necessary.
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