Unfortunately, like most pets, rabbits can contract a number of different types of parasite. These can be inside (endoparasites) or outside (exoparasites) your rabbits’ bodies.
Whilst endoparasites usually have symptoms like illness, exoparasites are sometimes large enough to be seen by the owners. Some of the main types of exoparasite are as follows:
Fleas - fleas are small insects that can live off of humans and rabbits alike. These little parasites suck your blood for their meals, and leave itchy and painful bite marks behind in return! They also carry a number of nasty diseases, such as myxomatosis, so it’s wise to take action if you suspect a flea infestation. If you notice that your rabbit is scratching a lot, and has lots of dark brown material in their fur (material that turns red on contact with water), then it could be that your rabbit has fleas. Use a flea comb to check their hair for confirmation, then use a rabbit-friendly flea treatment, following the instructions carefully.

Unfortunately, rabbits can contract a number of different parasites
Ticks - ticks, like fleas, are also bloodsucking parasites. Ticks will embed their mouths in the rabbit’s body and suck their blood until they are full up. At this stage they’ll be really visible - as big grey blobs stuck to your poor pets. Like fleas, ticks can transfer a lot of nasty diseases to your pets, so it’s best to try to prevent them, and to keep an eye out for them when you’re thoroughly checking your rabbit’s health each week. Any grass you offer to your pets should be checked for these parasites, and you can get rabbit-friendly tick prevention methods from your local veterinarian.
Mites - Mites affect a lot of pets. Not only are they extraordinarily uncomfortable, but they are a danger to your pets’ health and should be dealt with as soon as possible. There are a number of different mites that can live on your rabbits, ranging from ear mites to fur mites. Owners should be on the look-out for scratching, as well as for sores and brown material in the ears and white dandruff-like material in the coat. A vet will be able to deal with any of these problems, so don’t delay in seeking their advice - some of these parasites burrow into your pets' skin and really hurt them.
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