...but it won't rise too far if you have rabbits. In fact, with a couple of enthusiastic bunnies chomping away you could pretty much do away with the lawnmower. With the time you save mowing the lawn you could start teaching them to move their own run!

Spring is a great time of year, for you and for your pets
With the weather starting to warm up and the days getting longer, any young rabbits that you have kept inside over winter can be brought outdoors. Older rabbits will start to get urges of the sort rabbits are generally famous for. Pairs which could potentially breed will do so unless prevented by a trip to the vet. Males may start to fight. If this gets serious you may have to separate them.
Kat, 18 May 2016
we have a bunny grass cutter .It cuts grass for the bunnies and the bunnies LOVE it!
Maisha, 25 November 2013
Thank you so much for all this I wanted to get a bunny and this tought me everything i need to know!
Julie, 10 December 2011