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Verified Reviews for Smart Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Perfect Door
I’ve had this door since spring 2021 and it works great. I’m on the same set of Energizer Lithium batteries with over 60% battery still left. This door has never failed except when ice froze on the door. I opened it manually and then blocked water from getting on the door in the future. This door works horizontally (yeah) and there are no strings to break like some vertical doors out there.
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 pets
I've deliberately left it over a year to write a review on this product. There is simply nothing negative to write about it, it has been working perfectly and still on the same original set of batteries. It keeps perfect time, it is easy to install [however, I did ask a carpenter to install for me as I am not the greatest], easy to set up and to adjust times, there really is nothing negative I can say about this automatic hen house door. Worth every penny!
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
This reviewer has 6-8 Hybrid layers pets
Works great
This light is great and reminds my girls to get inside before the door closes. Great purchase.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
Perfect fit
Used it to install the Omlet door over hardware cloth on a very small coop.East, good fit.
Review for: Autodoor Attachment Kit for Traditional Chicken Mesh
This reviewer has 2-4 pets
omlet autodoor
I bought this and am pleased with both the item and the excellent customer service. they are easy to contact by telephone and will talk you through any problems you have ,or any small thing you do not understand. excellent
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Grey
This reviewer has 8-10 pets
Really great light
As said above really great addition to my automatic door and good value for money had a problem one of the girls always stayed out of coop too long and would get locked out but now when light comes on she is first in
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
This reviewer has 2-4 Barred rock pets
Love it !
I have had chickens for the last 10 years or so and done pretty well predator proofing with 6ft chain link and rat wire around the bottom so nothing can reach in well 3 weeks ago 3 racoons kept lingering around the run so I decided to ad another layer of protection for small preditors . So glad I made the purchase I love knowing there locked up and safe. Very easy to set up direction couldn't be easier. It works very well I have it set to close 30 mins after sun set and open 30 mins after sunrise
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
This reviewer has 10+ Cream legbar, Amerau pets
Great Except For One Unfortunate Control Box Decision
Clark, Texas,
I bought this door with the attachment kit for my Eglu Cube Mk I. Install went great. I live in Texas so my chickens like to stick their heads out of the door at night for some fresh air, and the blockage sensor works perfectly.. so much so that it is too gentle to encourage them to stop doing that. I don’t want to murder them, but if it could just .. strangle them a little, that would be better. As is, sometimes the ladies will just sit there and get smacked by the door three or four times until the door gives up and stays open and I have to manually remove the birds. Thankfully, they’ve mostly learned not to do this anymore. I just wish the door would offer a setting so I can specify how many times I’d like it to retry closing until it gives up. If I want it to keep trying until the battery dies, I should be able to specify that and it should do it. This is basically the crux of my problem with the door, the control box sucks. My main issue with the control box is that when you’re operating on light sensing mode, when it reaches the desired light there is a 20 minute delay before it actually opens by default. It is programmed in such that you cannot change it. There is a delay function you can use which will ADD TIME to the already too long 20 minutes, but you cannot reduce it below that. I understand why they did this. It’s because they want to be sure that the light being perceived by the sensor is true and not just an anomaly such as a torch/flashlight so it doesn’t accidentally open in the middle of the night. I get that, but instituting a 20 minute delay that is impossible to alter is an absolutely boneheaded decision. 5 minutes would’ve been enough. 2 minutes probably would’ve been enough. If you absolutely must protect customers from their own stupidity, which I also understand, make it a function you can change but put it behind a “Are you sure?” and then an “Are you REALLY sure?” prompt. To make an arbitrary and very long mandatory waiting period like this which is hard coded into the unit is just terrible design, period. I like everything else about the door, but I wish they would give me the freedom to use the door I bought the way I want to. In the programming instructions it talks about setting the door to open at dawn. That cannot be done ever. You know why? Because 20 minutes after the sensor first detects a light level over 1 is NO LONGER DAWN. I gave this 2 stars because I like the actual door itself so much in spite of the awful programming. Truly, the programming alone deserves 1 star, but I just love the rest of it so much I had to give it another. It could be so great, but it isn’t. Why, Omlet?
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
This reviewer has 10+ Sapphire Gem, Buff O pets
Happy birds!
This has automated a twice a day chore reliably; so awesome. After two years of chicken dust and weather, it works as well as it did day one. I recommend it to anyone looking to automate letting out the chickens and shutting the coop at night.
Review for: Autodoor Attachment Kit for Omlet Chicken Runs
This reviewer has 8-10 pets
Coop Light
Carolyn, Tennessee,
I bought this for a new coop and run for some (6) young Buff Orpingtons. I have never used a light before. I hope this will help them get situated in the coop at night on the roosts.
Review for: Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Grey
This reviewer has 4-6 Buff Orpington pets
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