Verified Reviews for Caddi Treat Holder
Hours of entertainment!
The treat holder is great and my chickens love it. It keeps them all entertained for hours with no squabbling about who is hogging all the treats! Fill it up and it lasts for days!
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 6-8 All sorts! pets
Doesn’t work for our girls
I ha e four pekin bantams who I guess are a bit spoilt. They free range in the garden and get chopped veg everyday. They consider it too much effort to actually have to peck for their veg. I think if they were bigger hungrier birds they would probably enjoy using it.
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 4-6 Pekin pets
Great fun for chickens
The chickens love this ! It's like they're playing Swing ball :)
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 2-4 Rescue reds pets
My hens were not interested
Sorry no interest from my bensi
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 2-4 White star and black pets
Omlet response:
Hi Kathleen,
We are sorry to read that your chicken does not seem interested in our Caddi Treat Holder.
Chickens are creatures of habit, it might take them a while to pick up this new habit. You could for example try different treats, or place it on the ground for a while, or in a different location. Sometimes, it only takes the dominant chicken to show interest, before the others follow.
We hope that you find a solution, don't hesitate to get in touch with us as well for further advice.
Omlet Customer Service Team
Makes pecking more fun
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 10+ Bantam pets
Super useful!
This is great to use with the peck balls but also tried and tested with veggies and works perfectly! Great in all weather when used with veggies and keeps all our lovely hens busy!!
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 10+ Hybrid layers pets
Amazing features
Its really easy to set up and to clean! Easy for my reds and plymouths to use it took them very little time to figure out. Definitely going to buy another one.
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
This reviewer has 6-8 Rhode island reds an pets
Great to keep hens busy
My four girls love their treat holder well made and easy to fill
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
Caddi Treat
Bought a Caddi treat holder for my girls along with the Vron balls that you pop inside shall we say it was like the Next sale all 5 of my girls were going mad trying to eat the treat inside and within in minutes it was gone!! Everyday I fill it with salad leaves which they love still like a Next sale but so easy to fill and so easy for my girls to use
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder
Keeps extras tidy
Was dubious at first but works well. A good way to keep greens etc. off the ground and chickens are kept amused using it
Review for: Caddi Treat Holder