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Quality product
I bought the this product a week ago and although it took longer to construct than anticipated. It certainly helped having the video. It seems a little expensive but when you see the quality of the cube and how well it is packed and speed of delivery it is definitely worth it. Congratulations to the design team in it . Our chucks are very happy and laying eggs from day one. Thank you.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 6-8 Bluebells, Sussex wh pets
Eglu Cube
Sandy, Washington,
Am very impressed by the quality of this product. All of the hardware is sturdy and all of the parts and pieces fit together perfectly. Easy to assemble. I did it alone. No chicks yet.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
great (except ladder issue!)
I have now had the Eglu for almost a year and it is great. It is so easy to keep clean. added the automatic door at a later date which was extra handy in the summer when they wanted to go to bed much later. My silly bantums have never taken to the ladder though, we had to make our own ramp to go on top of it and still have it now. I did contact the Omlet team to see if their rabit ramp with fit and they kindly did the measurements, but could not buy one on its own and our makeshift wooden slope is still ok! I would love an option for a ramp. Rosie, snowball, peggy, scruff, tina, dolly, ivy, daisy and mabel love their home (all bantums, have plenty of space)
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
This reviewer has 8-10 bantums pets
Overall I love it but...
Sophie, Berkshire,
We have the Cube with a 4m run, and overall I think it's fabulous. My only gripe is that there's no way to clean the ladder or to access most of the inside of the run apart from the part closest to the door and the area under the roosting bars (via the house)...unless I'm missing something! We recently added a walk-in run (due to an increase in the number of chucks we have coupled with flockdown) and it works really well. Adding the conversion was a tad fiddly without the ladies escaping but now it's done, it's great (but the opening could do with being bigger for access). It's easy to clean the house itself and the chickens seem happy - they gladly hop up the ladder every night. The feeding and watering containers that come with the coop are ace.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
This reviewer has 4-6 Rescue hens and 1 ru pets
Just the best
I put off buying one of these for ages because of the cost (despite having seven hens). I thought I might be able to cope with two coops, instead of one big one. That was a pretty stupid idea, because it meant cleaning out two coops instead of one. So in the end, I cracked (if you'll excuse the eggy pun) and bought my Cube. It is FABULOUS. Well worth the money. The separate nest box means the eggs tend to be cleaner (you can close it off at night when the chickens are roosting), and the pull-out tray means emptying droppings on a daily basis is easy. There is plenty of room for all the hens, and they all seem very happy. I don't have the built-in run - my Cube is inside an extended walk-in run. Yes, this is an expensive solution, but if you are older (like me) and you have any arthritis issues (like me) it makes caring for your hens a pleasure rather than a pain. Building the coop was fairly easy - the worst bit was putting the sides and the roof on because you have to climb inside. You do need two people, and it took my sister and I about three hours to do it, mainly because it was pouring with rain and we kept stopping for a tea break.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 6-8 Hybrids pets
Super solid and safe Coop
Bought this after seeing a friend with the same. Super speedy delivery. Relatively straight forwards build (although I would argue 1-2 hours longer than stated). Coop itself is brilliant, very sturdy, easy to use, chooks seem to like it. Great peace of mind knowing they are safe at night. Next time- I will definitely buy the automatic door. And I will definitely get a run extension as the 2m standard run is tiny. Otherwise, love it!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Easter Eggers pets
???? Egg-ceptional Review: The Omlet Eglu Chicken Coop ????
I've been raising chickens for 20 years and let me tell you, the Omlet Eglu is a game changer. It's like the Prius of chicken coops - efficient, easy to move and clean, and it looks pretty stylish too. Plus, my chickens seem to love it. After 10 weeks of use, I can confidently say that I will never go back to a wooden coop. It's like upgrading from a flip phone to an iPhone - once you go Eglu, you never go back.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
This reviewer has 4-6 Easter Egger, Black pets
Yes, all the way around!
My 9 year old is High Functioning Autistic, and has been hyper-fixated on eggs since he was just a toddler. I found out this past fall that he has wanted chickens his whole life, and never said anything because he never thought he would be able. I have never seen him as happy as I did when he received his chickens for Christmas. Fast forward to the coop, after a lot of research we went with the Omlet Eglu. Some of our favorite perks so far: -The cleaning is a breeze. - It stays cool during the day, and warm at night - The chickens can not perch on the included food/water dishes in a way that their bathroom debris ends in the dishes. - Love the ease of access to every component of the coop. - It is so user friendly, that my son can operate everything by himself. He likes to bring them to a new patch of grass and interact with “his girls”. This morning he was even IN the coop. - Free fertilizer as they are moved around the lawn! We are adding a 3 foot extension and handles because chicken math is real, and I’ve ordered a few other accessories to keep our hens happy.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) - Green
This reviewer has 6-8 pets
Excellent chicken coop
I bought the Eglu chicken coop in green, after a few days my chickens loved it, still a bit unsure of the ladder, they will work it out. It was so easy to put together took about an hour, and so easy to use. Thanks for such a good product.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 Australorp pets
A must have even for large homesteaders
I have seen these on videos and always thought I had no need as a large homesteader. I have lots of chickens so why would I need such a small run. But last year a predator was able to take out 11 of my young chickens a mother was raising in the coop. Now, I have two of these coops and I will be buying more. They are perfect for a broody mom and her babies. They are also perfect for young chicks once they are old enough to leave the brooder. When they are young I can fit a bunch of them in one Omlet. By the time they start to outgrow the Omlet they are ready to go into one of the main chicken areas. It's so easy to move around the yard and they are safe from predators. I will be getting another one to raise my young turkeys as well.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 10+ pets
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