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Cube kippenhok
Fun design kippenhok met veel bekijks. Staat in 2 uurtjes in elkaar. De nieuwe kippen voelen er zich onmiddellijk in thuis. Praktisch ei-deurtje, mestlade maakt het onderhoud heel netjes. Alle andere elementen zijn met de hogedrukreiniger te kuisen. Kwalitatief hok. Goede prijs-kwaliteit.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Excellent in all ways
I have had my eglu and 3 run lengths for 6 years only just lost my last omelet sold pepperpot. My only comment is to envy those who can let their girls out without being there. Mine love their run but I cannot leave them outside it for a minute before the red vermin shows up. Also why say if you do not have grass ? In your ads. If you have grass it will soon all be gone! Yes mine can roam the garden but the idea of leaving them out on their own is impossible. We do not need any more openings every opening is a potential danger. Buy a long net or get a toddler you only get one emergency a year in a happy hen house. Lesly
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Easy, easy, easy!
I actually was bored with researching and trying to decide if we should go with plastic or wood, how many chickens and so on. I visited so many people who kept chickens and who either loved the Cube, or swore by wooden coops. Eventually we decided to get the Cube. It arrived and took my husband and I about 3 hours to erect.(more him then me!). I fell in love with it was exactly as described in all the reviews. Another week to prepare the hardstanding and stock up with food etc. Then the big day. The four beautiful chickens arrived. The first day or two we wondered how they would deal with the ladder....they had to be helped up and flew down in a panic. We put a log by the bottom of the ladder and it all sudenly clicked. They loved their new home. I am so glad we went with the cube which has given them shade and extra run space. The cleaning is a dream, so easy. I am left wondering why we did not get chickens before, it's all so easy! Three weeks in and they are all laying and everything seems to be working beautifully. Thank you Omlet
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
I love the cube and so do my hens
At first I wasn't sure if I should get the Eglu Cube or the Eglu Go. I was only thinking of getting three hens but decided on the Cube in the end and I am so glad that I did. A lot more expensive but worth every penny. I started off with 3 hens in the basic cube but soon realised that I would like some more so ordered the extension run and got two more. The girls are in the run when I'm out or at work and free range when I'm home. Although it states that you could house ten hens in the Cube you would have to increase the run by about 3 meters to give them enough space. We found it easy to put together and so easy to keep clean. I line the trays with news paper and cover with shavings and change once a week. Same with nesting box but change less often. The hens have managed the ladder no problems. Had to show them how to get to roost first night and then they managed all on their own. I would recommend to anyone thinking of getting hens. Another plus of the Eglu is that they are fox proof. We back onto open fields and I wanted a house that was secure. I have got the Omlet pegs which secures the run to the grass. Overall very pleased and a good company to deal with.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Happy chickens, happy owner
I was impressed at how easy the cube was to build. The design has clearly had a lot of thought put into it and it has a very solid feel to it. Chickens moved straight in and seem happy, although the little Pekin took a couple of goes to get the jump to the ladder right. Will post additional comments following the first 'big clean'.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Great, but still room for improvement!
Danielle, South Holland,
Pro's: - Soooooooo easy to clean! - The box I transported the chickens from their old home (a classic eglu) fitted in the large interior, they started their morning from their new home. And very happy too. - Enough room in the run to get in to get the muck out. - The nesting box being higher up makes it so much easier to get to the eggs and so much easier to clean to. Also seams to take up a lot less space than the Classic does. - Thumbs up all around, chickens love it too! Drawbacks: - The Glug is a bit big for my tiny Dutch Bantams, I keep having to fill it up, I had thought they came with nipples, and was willing to try that. I would like the option of the smaller Glug, as I know that works a treat for the Dutch Bantams. - a daytime roosting bar in the run. I've inserted two old branches and a lenght of wood thru the bars, which they love to perch on. - The cover that comes with the Eglu is made of flimsy material. It should be made of the same sort of material as the heavy duty wind covers, or the Eglu should come with the clear plastic version. There's enough shade under the nesting box, and in a tiny backyard they could do with sun in the rest of the run.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Excellant. Easy to Clean. Very Good Access.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Purple palace!!
The cube is fantastic. We had the wee eglu but upgraded to the cube when we got six hens as there wasnt enough room in wee elu. So much room inside for the hens. Higher off the ground so easier to clean. Large roomy laying box which would easily take 3hens at a time but they go in singly and spread out! Very easy to build it as well. On sunny days the girls sit underneath the cube in the shade. Took them a few days to get used to having to go upstairs to their house but they don't think about it now. Really good product.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Purple
First Class
Like many I debated for a long time before buying a Cube. We had a wooden coop for 2 years which did the job but I kept coming back to Eglu to read reviews and finally took the plunge and bought one. I am SO glad I did and question why I didn't get one in the first place! It is so easy to clean which is the absolute best bit for me - it used to take me an hour to clean the wooden one and we suffered with red mite on more than one occasion. Yes they are expensive but the resale value is excellent should I ever decide to stop keeping chickens - i know as I missed out on many ebay auctions for second hand ones! It looks good, is easy to use and the chickens seem very happy. The feeders are much better than the ones I used to use - the rain doesn't get in to the food and they hold lots of food so I can leave them overnight if necessary. I had a problem with my Grub which Omlet changed for me so I am impressed with both the product and the service. Would recommend!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
good product
Hi Overall a good product just one snag. Having read on other forums that the ladder is a bit short, this is what i have found also. Only having owned it a month i have had a chicken damage its leg and now stays outside. I have had to place a box at the bottom of the ladder to help her get onto the ladder. Maybe a modification to the ladder may be the answer. Other than that, i am very happy with it.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
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