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Eglu Cube Review
An Omleteer,
Completely satisfied with The Cube, so far. Richard was very efficient and erected the Cube & Run very quickly and explained how to dismantle for cleaning etc. AMAZED at how easy it is to manoeuvre around the garden, even with the 2m run attached. I mean really amazed. I can do it on my own. It has rained heavily and the chickens remain dry and cozy. They love it. I had to put 5 out of 6 of them in on the first night and that was it, even after I had moved it. Would recommend.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Great design, a little unwieldy to move
An Omleteer,
The design of the cube is well thought out - easy to clean and manage, and the chickens seem very settled after a couple of weeks. We bought a 1m extension to the run - adding that on was quite easy, though you need to be careful that you get the mesh properly aligned otherwise you spend a lot of time unclipping and reclipping it onto the main run. We also bought some ground stakes as we keep the cube in a little copse at the end of the garden and the ground is rather uneven. If I have one criticism, it is that moving the cube with the extension run is somewhat unwieldy. The ground clearance with the wheels lowered is not that high, and there aren't many places to get a hold of the cube - so over uneven ground particularly, it is definitely a two-person job to move the whole shooting match. Otherwise, it's a great bit of design.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Cube Review
An Omleteer,
I am generally happy with the cube but have a few minor gripes: The base unit have very many marks especially around the bolt holes indicating it may be been put up before - perhaps it was a returned item. One of the wheel legs came with a bad scratch - through the paint to the metal. The suggested installation time (2 hours) is ambitious for the first timer - it took me quite a lot longer.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
eglu cube
An Omleteer,
Fantastic and my 4 chickens love it too. so easy to keep clean. Wish i had bought one sooner. service from omlet brilliant and thankfully the delivery man put it together for me. Would advise you buy the winter shade to give some protection from rain and wind.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
The Cube arrived eventually
An Omleteer,
There was a fairly long wait for the delivery of this cube partly due to our impending holiday. The cube was put together by the delivery man and apart from the fact that one extention support bar was put in the wrong way, it was fine. There were some parts missing from the delivery but these were dispatched quickly by Omlet. A very clean and easy way to keep hens.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
A pleasure to work with.
An Omleteer,
The Cube is so well designed that I am hard pressed to think how it could be improved. You are working at a convenient height without having to bend when you clean out and attend to the interior. The bars lift out easily to clean as do the trays, all the moving parts slide easily and lock easily. The girls appear to be very pleased with their new abode and learned to use the water feeder and the ladder in no time. I can't believe how easy it is to move it about as well, given its size and weight - I really congratulate Omlet on the pedals that lift it up for wheeling about. The only thing I find slightly less easy to deal with on this compared with my little Eglu is the nesting area where the straw goes. On the little one I can scoop the old straw out in one swipe into the interior and let it drop between the bars and this into the collecting tray, for easy removal. On the cube, the "lip" between the nesting area and the roosting bars is too high to do this easily plus being a bigger area anyway you can't quite get your hands into all of it so well to grab the dirty stuff. It is not a huge deal but I do find that one aspect slightly less easy to deal with, and tend to end up poking the old stuff down through the slit and into the coop area below. I guess you either have to take it out by hand via the egg port or else just poke it through and periodically scrape out the coop floor. If the lip were a little lower you could push it out so it went into the trays. But not a deal breaker.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
eglu cube
An Omleteer,
Its everything they say it is,my bantams love it, it really is so easy to clean move, brilliant design, and the nice man from omlet assembled it for me. I didn't meet him but he called to say he was at my house. Worth the money. Thanks all at omlet.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
eglu cube
An Omleteer,
love the cube and run, especially as it took so long to erect, with grumpy husband's help!! But the thing I HATE are the absolutely wrong roosting bar things, they are too wide and flat, am seriously considering changing them at vast expense to wooden broom handles, chickens hate flat surfaces and all my girls now pile up in the nest box, thereby making it very grubby, and depriving my compost of chicken poo. Please change design soon, should not be difficult.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Purple
Cube - green
An Omleteer,
The cube is fab. We love it and the chickens love it!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
An Omleteer,
I recently bought the eglu cube for my six hens after having lost a hen to a fox. I had to wait quite a while to receive my cube but was definitely worth the wait! The product was easy to assemble and was completed in under 2 hours. My hens love their new home and took to it very quickly. They especially love the cosy nest box (although the ladder took a little getting used to, but now their fine). The eglu cube is fantastically easy to clean and maintain and makes chicken keeping far easier and you have the reassurance that your hens are far safer from predators. I have also recently purchased the extension pack for the run which is excellent, although I feel very expensive for what it is, although is a must I feel if you intend to shut your chickens in the run for long periods. All in all I feel the cube is an excellent product if as little pricey.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
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