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Better than the wooden versions
An Omleteer,
I bought this to replace a wooden coop as I was having problems with mites, quite bad as it was making the feathers on my chickens drop off. After a couple of weeks they seem to be picking up and its definately cleaner and easier to clean, hopefully we will be bug free soon!! Would recommend highly
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
An Omleteer,
Very pleased with the Eglu Cube and chickens made an excellent transition to their new home. Unfortunately the ladies cannot figure out how to drink from the super glug drinker and so has to be placed near to the ground so they can dip their heads in. My only disappointment is that the front and rear skirts for the run were missing from the order. After ringing however, they were duely sent in the post and the run is finally complete.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Purple
Eglu cube
An Omleteer,
After 3 years of the original eglu I upgraded to the cube. An excellent move - a safe height - simple to clean and no back ache for O.A.P.s. It is so easy to move even with a double run extension! My 4 chicks don't have to queue up to lay eggs and there is a spacious nesting area. The first night my nervous chicks huddled underneath it so I went in and put them up in their new bedroom and since then they love it hopping on and off the ladder with ease. It was assembled by a pleasant Omlet representative who ran through everything with me. When I first cleaned them out (so simple) and noticed that one of the trays under the perches did not 'click' into place I rang Omlet (excellent customer relations and help) who suggested I tried swapping them round and if no success they would send another one out -no need to as swapping them did the trick. This product is worth every penny - fox proof, easy to keep mite proof - nothing compares to it! Plus 4 Pepperpot chickens who have settled well and become very friendly.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Based on construction............
An Omleteer,
Bought the cube to move the girls into from the Eglu. They haven't yet moved so this is based on building only. It was a PIG to put together. TWO HOURS? You have GOT to be joking. It was at least twice that with both of us working flat out and we had to resort to a hammer in the end. We were a washer short and the run didn't want to fit. The ladder was a nightmare because the holes didn't line up. One side piece really didn't want to fit flush and all I can say is that if that's how you keep draughts out the hens must like a lot of fresh air. The lid was awful because no matter how much you adjusted the runners the only way to engage the lid properly was to put it on backwards. It did eventually go together and I hope the girls will like it but they will have to be ecstatic about it for my husband to forgive it the trauma of its assembly!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Eglu Cube (Green)
An Omleteer,
We have been really pleased with our purchase, it is so easy to keep clean, it is versatile, and moveable, safe - no sharp edges to anything, so our two grand-daughters are not in danger of getting caught on chicken wire or splinters from any wood, and they really love wandering up the garden to look at the chickens and collect the eggs with Nana. It is also fox proof and when the hens are away at night we know that they are safe.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Perfect for happy chicken
An Omleteer,
very practical, easy to clean, comfortable for the animals and safe and warm. Our chicken loves their cube. The most easiest way to keep chicken in the garden!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
An Omleteer,
reasonably easy to assemble chickens happy in their new home
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Cube Fantastic
An Omleteer,
Love it and the chickens love it too. I would like to mention the guy who came round to build the cube - he was more than helpful and was very passionate about his work - he is a very good representative for Omlet.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Happy Owners, Happy 'Girls'
An Omleteer,
On 12th August 2009 we took delivery of an Omlet Cube, run plus extension and 4 'girls'. They were delivered by a great guy called Darren who put everything together for us & showed us how to use everything. Although we had done a course at our local City Farm we still had questions all of which Darren was able to answer, he gave us lots of tips, he also showed us how to clip the girls wings and let us practice on two ourselves under his supervision. The girls Omlet sent us were very healthy & we've called them Sage, Onion, Chestnut & Garlic, they have settled in well & are great fun. The cube is excellent, easy to clean, move around the garden and the new larger door is a lot more convenient. The Cube is a very safe, cosy place for the girls to sleep (it still fascinates us how they put themselves to bed). One of the girls is laying already, hopefully the rest will follow soon. Definitely 5 stars for the product and 5 stars for service, thanks Omlet and Darren of course.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
Our new cube
An Omleteer,
Delivery on time and no extra charge to put it all together for us. The Cube is great and enjoying the ease of cleaning etc. It's quite heavy to move around - especially for us as we don't have a completely flat lawn and it gets caught in the dips. Our chooks have managed the ladder but do tend to launch themselves from the top sometimes and move very cautiously up it as it doesn't have very much grip for chicken feet. We've also provided a step so they can get onto the ladder more easily - it's quite high. Finally, our girls do like to be difficult and so lay and sleep in the laying section if they get the chance. We've had to create ourselves a wooden door that hangs on the division and slides back and forth, to keep them out at night but let them into the laying section during the day. Perhaps this feature could be built in to the next model?! Thank you!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
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