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Fantastic Coop....Hen Approved!
Williamd, Massachusetts,
Purchased the Omelet Cube with 9 foot run and wheel package for my hens. Living in the New England are, I wanted something portable, easy to maintain and could withstand our harsh winters. The Omlet Cube delivers in all aspects! Safe, Secure, Weather Resistant and my Hens Love their new home. The Cube is Easy to clean, The wheel package makes mobility of the Cube very easy and the fenced run gives my Hens a secure place! Thanks Omlet for a great product!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Buff's & Leghorns pets
It's a good chicken coop!
Sibyl, Texas,
Whew, so we finished putting this coop and run together by Mother's Day and I will say that the run kinda kicked our butt BUT only because my hubby tried to rewrite Omelet's instructions!! Just follow the instructions they have and if you're not a limber young person you might want some assistance. I'm 66 and hubby is 75 soooo that caused some issues. One thing that would make me deliriously happy would be to have a summer egg door and a winter egg door. We live in the horrid heat of east Texas and I'm already trying to configure a summer egg door made with hardware cloth that will let air flow in during the day since the coop simply can't be as cool as I'd like. All in all it's a cute coop for our backyard. We definitely will have to keep our shade over it in order for our chicks to make it. Oh, and forget those double clips! I gave up and used all singles and the run is still very strong!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
This reviewer has 4-6 Three Easter Eggers pets
Extremely functional
Mark, Tennessee,
Did lots of research on chicken coops and kept on coming back to Omlet. I was afraid it might be too small but in this case function and efficiency made this a very smart purchase on my part. The quality of the parts is evident. Assembly does take some time, but the result is a very secure coop that is easy to clean and harvest eggs. My girls have taken to it and immediately knew when to roost for the night and where to go to lay eggs. The automatic door and light are easy to program. Very happy with my purchase
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Orpington, Ameurican pets
Cute Coop - once it's constructed
I love this coop, and think the company is 100% quality; however, it has waaaayyyy too many pieces.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 pets
My second Cube
Recently bought my second Cube , as I am increasing my flock. Unbeatable product adding to the one I bought 6 years ago. Like the chickens, I am very happy with it.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 Warren , Orpingtons, pets
Love the coop
Christina, Michigan,
We've had this Omelet coop up for about a month and love it. We purchased it as a second coop for 6 additional chicks we added this year and so far it's been great.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) - Purple
This reviewer has 4-6 leghorn pets
First time chicken mama
Finally moved the 6 hens into the permanent structure at 11 1/2 weeks old. By night 3 - all were going in at evening.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 6-8 Variety pets
Great Purchase
Kathy, North Carolina,
I bought this a few weeks ago and am very satisfied.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 Orpington, Rhode Isl pets
Fantastic product
This is our second eglu cube other one still gets used but is in green. Great product highly recommend only slight problem we have is with the ladder. If they where at a different angle and maybe longer they would be fine. We have added our own adjustments so our girls don’t slip between the rungs . Wouldn’t stop me buying again in future though. Great to clean back door comes off easily and side door also
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Purple
This reviewer has 8-10 pets
Has upheld our crazy NE weather and our 3 year old can retrieve the eggs independently
Meg, Nebraska,
This amazing coop has upheld our crazy NE weather…80mph winds and storms, kept our chickens warm in subzero temps, and is so easy for our 3 year old to retrieve eggs independently and mama to dump the poop out of the easy tray. We are huge supporters of this product and are anxious to try more!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Purple
This reviewer has 10+ pets
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