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This product is garbage
I bought this 4-5 weeks ago for 4 chickens and it is literal trash. First off when I was building it the instructions were misleading and when I say misleading I MEAN MISLEADING! I HAD TO DISASSEMBLE THE WHOLE COOP AND START OVER 2 TIMES! The second thing is that box C did not come on time, I mean really, REALLY! The third and final thing is that the chickens were in the run, so I go inside my house and watch TV and from the corner of my eye, I see a HAWK ATTACKING ONE OF THE CHICKENS! I go outside and scare the Hawk off and I see that the chicken is injured. I took the chicken to the emergency animal hospital and they, unfortunately, had to euthanize it. So it makes me mad that Omlet advertises their products as "Pretor free." I mean REALLY! This is why this product is literal trash and for the money I paid for this, it's not worth it, also the time is not worth it either. This deserves 1 star for the lack of EVERYTHING it says it's supposed to be. Would not recommend it and would not buy it again.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 New Hampshire's and pets
Robust design
Our flock is now wholly used to their Eglu Cube and we're delighted. Wonderfully designed and constructed, my only criticism is the advice that assembling a 3-metre unit would only take 3 1/2 hours - just opening all of the packaging and identifying components took that long! It is, however, a very clever design and easy to clean and keep the hens well fed and watered.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
Absolutely perfect thank you
I purchased about a month ago, It’s so easy to keep clean as things pull out and your able to wipe with disinfectant, I would highly recommend.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 Old English game and pets
Glass half full
The housing of the Cube is very good. The run less so and the wheels are clearly a work-in-progress. The main problem with the run is the skirt. Our Cube does not sit on a pristine bit of mown lawn but on grass which is less manicured; the result is that the grass quickly grows through the skirt making it impossible to lift it off the ground for moving. The wheels only work on a dry surface; in the wet they sink into the grass and impede any movement. Once we removed the skirt, movement was improved. The individual wheel design is clumsy and difficult to use. The wheels need to be joined by a single bar to lift both at the same time. The wheels need to be replaced by wheels with a greater width. The worst element of the wheel use is the absence of any handles with which to move the cage. Good luck in completing the design of a product which is presently promising but clunky and hard to use.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Warrens pets
Exactly what I was hoping for
I can tell this is very high quality and will last for a long time. My chickens are happy healthy and protected. I got 100% laying from the hens today. Yum yum!!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) - Green
This reviewer has 8-10 pets
Excellent product
This is an excellent product. The booklets explaining how to assemble were clear and every part was engineered to perfection. We chose the 2 metre run - but if you have the room go for more. We have managed to attach other runs that we already had to the Eglu runs making it a more reasonable area for the chickens to move around in. Easy to clean out and after two days the chickens were very happily settled in their new home.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 bantams pets
Slow dispatch, great coop.
An Omleteer,
I purchased the coop in March and did not receive until the beginning of August. It would probably be best to purchase before you invest in your flock, otherwise you may end up watching them outgrow their brooder and wishing you’d ordered sooner. Though we got it later than anticipated, it has still served us well since assembly. The girls go in at night and enjoy the ability to peck at fresh grass every couple of days.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (2m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 Wyandottes and Barre pets
Great for beginners
I bought this a month ago and find it very easy to use and my little chickens love it
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (3m) and Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 4-6 pets
I am now a fan of omlet coop
The coop brought laugh to our family and happiness to the chickens we keep ;) Thanks Omlet coop, will buy more when I move to larger house
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Wheels - Green
This reviewer has 8-10 Americauna, Black Au pets
Easy To Clean & Build
I bought this 2 months ago & have been really pleased. It was easy to build & to clean. The shelves are removable & then I just use a brush & hose to clean off. Being made of s plastic they require no maintenance & a friend still uses her omelette & has no problems 14 years later
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
This reviewer has 2-4 Rhode Island Reds pets
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