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Verified Reviews for Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension

A must!
I got three young Leghorn pullets and started off with the Eglu Go Up with 2m run, which looked perfect and hens were happy. I then thought about whether they would be comfortable if they had to stay in the run a whole season should the bird flu struck. So decided to purchase the extra 1m run. Best decision ever, the pulleys grew bit more in size and were very agile. The extra space allowed them to forage more, run a bit, give each other space when needed. It was easy enough to add to the existing run and I managed to do this alone while hens went to their coop. If space allows, as someone else said in their comment, I think the extension is a necessity!
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Leghorn/legbar pets
We have a problem with hawks and owls. So I installed a scarecrow which has helped prevent attacks, not just with the chickens, but with all the birds who feed at our feeders. Also,try attaching sparkly whirlygigs to the run fencing.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Rhode Island Reds pets
Great addition
An Omleteer, Texas,
Thought 6ft of run was enough, but 9ft is even better. My chickens are much happier and can now spread out if they wish. Easy enough to add, just tedious and takes a little time, but well worth it.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Wyandotte and Turkin pets
if you're used to your hens being free range, as I am, (recent predators have stopped it) You'l be glad of the extra space for your own feelgood factor.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 bantam cross pets
Corazon, California,
Bought this a week after I bought the Eglu Go Up w/6 foot run, wheels, and handles, perch, heavy duty cover. I wanted my chickens to have more room so I bought the 3 foot extension. Honestly I love it and glad I have it.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 EE pets
My girls were stuck in a brooder for the 1st 7 weeks of their life. Little more than 2 feet in width and less than 4 feet in length. That’s me over estimating its size it was my rabbits old hutch being used as a brooder. Now they have a 9 foot run originally 6 feet with the go up Eglu. They run up and down it. Very happy with the room they have!
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 EE and Ameraucana pets
Love it
An Omleteer,
Really easy to fit
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Battery hens pets
And stretch...
I am so glad I got this extension. I have 3 booted bantams who do get lots of time out but still have to spend long hours in the run, especially in bird flu season. I had a 3 metre run, but this extra metre seems to give them extra space they really need.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Booted bantams pets
Added an extension
Desiree, Texas,
These coops are long lasting. My chickens were warm in the winter, love laying and sleeping in the box, and running around in the run. We purchased handles, a second water bowl, and an extension to pamper our favorite Easter Eggers.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Easter Egger pets
Eglu run extension
Phil, South Yorkshire,
I bought the extension to give my chickens that bit more room . It was quick and easy to fit and definitely worth the money .
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 1m Run Extension
This reviewer has 2-4 Colombian black tail pets
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