Verified Reviews for PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 1.70 - 2.15m
Our girls love this
Liked this so much we bought another one! Excellent product and our chickens LOVE it
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 1.70 - 2.15m
This reviewer has 10+ pets
Great entertainment to me and my chucks!
My chickens love the Omlet PoleTree, in particular my Welsummer, she loves jumping up on to the perches for treats. I attached it to my plum tree and fence post to make it nice and sturdy.
I like that I can also hang various treats from the lower perches.Which brings great entertainment to me and my chucks!
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 1.70 - 2.15m
Verified Omlet Product Tester
This reviewer has 4-6 Welsummer pets
Quality Omlet product
The perfect perch for hens both large and small. With adjustable perches I have been able to create the perfect perch height for tiny Pekin bantams to my giant Brahmas.
Quality Omlet product with great attention to detail in fittings and finishes.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 1.70 - 2.15m
Verified Omlet Product Tester
This reviewer has 10+ pets