Limited availability due to high demand. Please see our Stock Availability page for more information.

Browse our manuals and how-to videos to follow Omlet's expert advice at your pace. Need parts? Check our spares section. FAQs cover common questions, and our Customer Experience Team is always here to help.

Spares & accessories

Find spare parts for your Catio. Choose a view below to locate and purchase the parts you need.

Outdoor Pet Run - Upper Door
Part No. 041.0228
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Outdoor Pet Run - Bottom Door
Part No.
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Outdoor Pet Run - Bolt Assembly
Part No. 041.0025
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Outdoor Pet Run - Pole Straight
Part No. 041.1010
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Outdoor Pet Run - Run Panel - Skirt Corner 041.1003
Part No. 041.1003
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Outdoor Pet Run - Run Panel - Skirt 041.1002
Part No. 041.1002
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Outdoor Pet Run - Run Panel - Infill
Part No. 041.1007
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Outdoor Pet Run - Skirt Support
Part No. 041.1008
See more


Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
How to build WIR MK3 in any length
Add an extension to your WIR MK3
How to build WIR MK2 (pre-June 2023) in any length
Add an extension to your WIR MK2 (pre-June 2023)
How to build the Omlet Run Porch
How to build the Outdoor Run Partition

Assembly videos

Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
Walk In Run - How to buid an Omlet Walk In Run 2x2x2
Walk In Run - How to add an extension to a Walk-in-Run
Walk in Run - How to build an Omlet Walk In Run 2x2x1

Product FAQs

Can I connect my run to the house?

Yes, with our Catio Tunnels you can create a way for your cats to move between the house and the catio whenever they want. Choose your entry point and build a tunnel to the run.

It is possible to attach the catio straight to your house, but we don't currently offer a ready made solution for this, so make sure you speak to a specialist to make sure it's done safely.

If you want your cat run on a balcony, have a look at our Cat Balcony Run.

Do I have to have the anti-tunnel skirt attached?

No. The skirting comes with all of Omlet's pre made outdoor cat enclosures, but you can choose not to attach it or remove it whenever you want.

Can I place the door anywhere on the run?

Yes, the door can be positioned anywhere on the enclosed outdoor cat runs.

Which size cat run should I get?

The size of run you need depends on how many cats you’ve got, the size of your cats and how much time they are spending in the run. Always aim to give your cats as much space as you can. If you’re having troubles deciding on what run size to get, feel free to contact our customer services team who will be happy to guide you!

I have a very uneven lawn, can I still use the Outdoor Cat Run?

Yes, you can secure the skirt of the run to the ground with Omlet’s screw pegs to make sure there are no gaps.

Can the run be moved?

It is possible to move the run, but due to the high quality materials even the smallest runs are relatively heavy. If you decide to move the run, we suggest asking for help from at least one other person.

How high is the door?

The full height door is 1.81m.

Can I keep the run outside all year round?

The metal catio runs are designed to be used outdoors for years to come. However, we recommend that you check the run regularly for signs of corrosion, especially if you live somewhere with extreme weather conditions or close to the sea. Corrosion will occur if the coating has been scratched or scraped for example. If you do see some, remove any loose rust and touch up with a weather resistant paint.

If you have covers on your run and experience heavy snowfall it's advised you clear the snow off the roof to avoid the panels being damaged from the weight.

Are outdoor cat runs for indoor cats only?

No, there are a number of reasons why you might choose to have a catio. You might have a cat that normally roams freely, but will need to be supervised for a period of time due to illness, injuries, pregnancy, risk of theft etc. An outdoor cat enclosure is a great way of letting them be outside, while still keeping them safe.

What are the dimensions of the mesh?

The lower half mesh is 25 x 75mm, and the upper half mesh is 50 x 75mm.

How can I extend my run?

The run can be extended to two sections high and at least five sections wide. There is no limit on how far the run can be extended lengthwise. If you want a run that is wider than 3 sections, please contact our customer experience team. It is only possible to extend a half height run height and lengthwise, the width is limited to two sections.

Can I keep kittens in the catio?

Due to the size of the mesh you may need extra protection added to the top half of the run if you want to keep a kitten or very small cat in the catio, like additional mesh or cat run covers. The need for this depends on the size and breed of your cat, as well as their willingness to climb. Please make sure you supervise your cat while they are on the catio, especially as they are getting used to it.

Can I replace the horizontal support poles of my 3m wide run with the Freestyle poles?

Yes, that is possible. However, one of the purposes of the support pole is to slightly push the roof up to make sure rain doesn’t gather at the top of the run and put too much pressure on the roof. 

For runs without covers this isn’t a problem. If you have covers on the roof of your run and want to swap the support poles for a Freestyle pole, place the pole as close to where you had the support pole as possible, and make sure water runs off the cover as it should once assembled. 

If you live somewhere likely to get heavy snow fall and have covers on your run, we suggest keeping the cat run support poles.