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Comments for The Colourful World of Canaries and Finches

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Showing comments 1 to 10 of 11

Sonya, 29 August 2024

I have the same problem with my two canaries emptying out the whole seed bin into the bottom within a few hours. I have had to purchase a different type of feeder to put in the cage. :(

Alam, 23 May 2024

I heard that gouldain finches or owl finches don't raise their it true?

Aubrea, 24 August 2023

can society finches have a small amount of peanut butter as treat?

Nicola, 14 April 2023

Hi, Have 2 canaries in my Geo. It's great except they can empty the hopper into the dish below, in 24 hours. Is there anything anyone has done to slow them down and stop the flicking it out?

Shannon, 9 March 2022

I recently lost my female strawberry finch. My male is lonely. If anyone has a female available please let me know. Thanks

Avyukth, 27 September 2021

Can you please advice me how to tame a finch ?

Jennifer, 13 June 2021

Hi there, My canary had just started her moult. I have purchased in advance singe Niger,Flax & Hemp seed to supplement her diet. Could u please advise on the amount of seeds required daily ? She'll get fresh grass seeds, veg, lettuce etc too as usual, and she flies free every day in my bedroom Thankyou

George, 11 March 2021

I keep one male canary in a cage, I am considering introducing two Zebra Finches in the same cage. Is there anything against this, or is it acceptable. Would it affect the Canary's singing? i am considering this a the cage is rather large and it would be attractive to have more activity within the cage. What do you think?

Pat, 11 September 2020

We are considering the geo cage for two finches and curious how much of a mess falls outside the cage?

Shajeeha, 25 May 2020

How much avadat?

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